Chapter 1

33 1 3

 No POV    

"example" = normal speech 

"example" = thinking

    You had always preferred staying home and away from people, ever since a young age you had trouble interacting with nearly everyone. For awhile, you were doing pretty alright though, you attended online classes, and mainly got food or other necessities online, with only rare trips to shops for the things that were less easy to get delivered to your home. 

But unfortunately for you, that would all change with just one letter.  

One afternoon when you were checking your mail, you saw an oddly fancy letter. It didn't make much sense to you, it wasn't like you were anyone particularly important, or part of some fancy college or workplace. The letter caught your interest, so instead of passing it off as a prank or spam mail as you usually would, you decided to actually open and read what it said. 

As you sat down at your messy kitchen table to read the letter, you nearly fell out of your chair. 

"Devildom..? what the hell is a Devildom ? And why am i being sent to an exchange program there ?! I never signed up for this, is this a sick prank ?!"

You thought to yourself, but the chances of this being a prank didn't exactly look so high. Who would put this much effort into a prank ? The letter was handwritten in fancy handwriting, with a nice looking envelope, a whole entire place and school name, and even signed by someone by the name of Diavolo. Although on the other hand, you had never heard of a Devildom, a place called RAD, or a Diavolo before.

Soon you decided on just ignoring it for now, it couldn't possibly be that big of a deal, you were sure by now it was just an elaborate prank. Or maybe a scam to get you to buy some fancy product that would hardly be worth the price. Either way, you wanted to put as little thought as possible into the letter to avoid worrying yourself anymore than you had to. 

After a few hours of spending your afternoon gaming on scrolling various social media websites in your computer, the letter crossed your mind again. 

"Could it really be real ?"

"What if this is a trap of some sort ?"

"Will I have to go ? is it even an option ?"

As you kept overthinking the letter's meaning, you started to feel a bit sick due to how worried you were. Checking the time and seeing that it was already 10:34 PM, you decided on just going to bed for the night, although it was a bit of an early hour for you to go to sleep at. 

AN: sorry for the short chapter, it's a bit late at night, and i didn't have much to write for this part. Other chapters will probably be longer

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