Not part of the story !

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Definitions of things
- y/n [your name]

-L/n [last name]

-F/c [favorite colour]

This won't be fully to the original plot of the game, but may have some events that happen in-game happen.

some of it is more headcanon/fanon than canon

There will not be any smut/nsfw, mainly because I'm uncomfortable with writing it.

Unsure if this will need any trigger warnings, if so I'll add them here and at the beginning of chapters where it happens

(A bit of projection/my own experiences or feelings)

apologies for a lack of dialogue too, for some reason I've always had trouble writing dialogue in ways that don't sound out of character or oddly written.

And also very sorry if my writing doesn't exactly apply to other's experiences, I try to make it as neutral as possible, but some things might not really apply for some people

If I make any spelling/grammar mistakes please point them out so that I can fix them

This may be changed as i continue writing and have more things i feel like i should add

Obey Me! Leviathan X GN Shut-in readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora