Episode 6: Paintball War

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Chase and Harper are in the warehouse, Chase holds a laptop on his lap where he and Harper are watching a movie.

Harper has her head laying on his shoulder, and holding his hand.

"that's cool" Harper says calmly "yeah I mean a tv would be better but I think it's cool like that.." Chase says.

"No, I mean us now, just us you know" Harper says shyly "Ooh! Got it, yeah...i guess It is" Chase says and smiles turning calmly over to her laying on his shoulder.

Harper looks up into his eyes and smiles, she goes back to watching, Chase stares at her, he lowers his head a little and kisses her forehead.

Harper looks at him "I still can't believe that...US!" Chase says, Harper smiles.

"you know I still have to put up with Adam making jokes about me not getting a girl every single day right!?" Chase laughs "I know! Half of them I'm there to appreciate" Harper says.

"unfortunately they're good" Harper says, Chase looks at her seriously "but they're not true, you know that!" Harper says.

"it would be cool to throw it in Adam's face" Chase says "you can say you have a girlfriend just don't say who" Harper says.

"No I did that once, that lie is gone,
and this time if they don't see the girl they won't believe it" Chase says, Harper frowns "Okay!?" Harper says.

"although hearing Adam make those jokes and knowing they're completely untrue is pretty awesome" Chase smiles excitedly, Harper laughs.

"See it's fun! Our secret" Harper says approaches him, he puts her arm around him, she rests her forehead against his forehead as they both laugh lightly.

Chase stares her in the eyes he threatens to move closer, looking at her lips, they are close enough for the tips of their noses to touch, Harper smiles.

They hear an alarm and the lights flicker "It's a mission alert!" Chase says the two looking around he puts his laptop aside and gets up quickly and she follows.


Harper and Chase run into the common area, Bree, Perry and Mr Davenport are there.

"Mr Davenport!" Chase says "We heard the mission alert, what happen!?" Harper asks.

"where were you guys? What took you so long?" Bree asks "uh..we were" Chase says nervously "Doesn't matter where.is Adam?" Harper says.

"relax this is a simple and delicate mission so just Bree, Chase and I are going this time" Mr Davenport says.

"hello, you're not forgetting anything!?" Leo says already on Hydraloop "Oh yeah and Leo" Mr Davenport says.

"what do you want me to do then?" Harper says "we'll take a few hours so you and Perry will take care of the island" Mr Davenport says.

"what!? I don't want to be here all day with her!" Harper says "and I don't want to be with you all day either slug face" Perry says "your insults don't even make sense anymore Terry!" Harper says.

"you see? That's exactly why you guys need to spend time together!" Mr Davenport says "why? For one to kill the other right away?" Chase says "so they learn to at least get along!" Mr Davenport says.

"I will never get used to hearing this girl's cracked bamboo voice, Donny why don't you send her back to prison where you found it" Perry says.

"yeah! Mr Davenport with all due respect I'm a highly intelligent girl capable of doing a lot of things so why do you make me to do the one thing I'm not capable of dealing with, which is King Kong's wife here!?" Harper says and points at Perry.

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