Chapter 32: A Terrible Husband and An Only Slightly Better Father

Start from the beginning

"You know, I was never into these before," Freya told him as she devoured her pastries. "But ever since I got pregnant, they are all I can think about."

"Your baby is a true New Orleans native," he remarked, earning a laugh.

"Poor kid," she teased, before locking her narrowed eyes on him. "So. Fiore."


"And Amelia?"

"...Its more complicated than that."

Freya shrugged, "It always is. But love that is actually worth it will figure out complications. Do you think you can do with Amelia?"

"I don't know," he replied with a huff. "Is this where you tell me I should just go back to Fiore because I love her, and she needs me?"

"I don't care about your love life," she replied. "Amelia, Fiore, Stefan, who you—"


"Stefan Salvatore. Didn't you two used to date?"


"...Huh," she was perplexed for a moment longer before shaking it off. "My point is, who you decide to be with is up to you and no one else. You've had a long history with Fiore, but that won't make you wrong to want a new life with Amelia. But you are the one who is going to live in it and live with it. So what can you live with?"

"I love Fiore, I always have, I...I've never been able to imagine a life without her," he began. "But for the last two years I've lived it. I was so sure that without her I would crumble, turn to dust. I would be nothing. But I wasn't. I survived. I even lived."

"Was this life better than your old one?"

"Better? No. Easier? ...Yes."

"Easier how?"

"When things with Fiore and I are good, it is a feeling unlike any other. When we are able to bask and sit in our love, I can think of no greater way to live. My love for her consumes me. It is in every thought, breath, blink, scratch... I feel like love personified."


"But when things are bad, they are catastrophic," He paused as he thought to all the turmoil they had experienced. "And yes, usually I am the author of our demise, but it's been her too. Only through it all, we have always been able to rely on our love to be the only survivor of every wreckage in its wake. It's never been like this."

"Like what?"

"I don't know if our love can survive this," he said, watching the way his sister's focus remained steadfast. "There have been times where Fiore has hated me, where she hasn't wanted me, where she has relished in my suffering but right now when she says she doesn't love me, I believe her. Like I am just a puppet waiting for her to get bored of me once and for all. And I want to keep fighting for her, for us, because that is what we do."

"But you have Amelia now, and she could be something," Freya finished, knowing his thoughts as though they were her own. "And if you focus on getting back Fiore, you could end up with neither."


"There's that saying you know 'One in the hand is better than two in the bush," Freya began. "I've always thought it was garbage. You should go for what you want, regardless of how hard it is. Maybe you'll get the two in the bush, maybe you'll lose the one in your hand, but how good is what you have if you want something else."

"Fiore has made it clear, she doesn't want me!" He snapped. "At least Amelia does. I can be with her. I...I'm worthy of her."

Freya only rolled her eyes, "Why would Fiore want you?"

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