"That bad?"

When the King turned around, Aleksander was met with empty, tired blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, Aleksander. It wasn't supposed to be like this."

All of a sudden Aleksander was filled with white-hot rage, melting his carefully crafted indifferent exterior.

"Oh, I'm sure it wasn't. I'm sure there was absolutely nothing you could have done to stop Kirigan's proposal. I'm absolutely positive that there was no preventing the fact that now I have to act like a besotted housewife to a Kateria Alexeeva who has the brains the size of a pea. And I sure as hell know that with a war almost upon us, I don't have a choice."

His voice cracked with the last sentence, and the full enormity of what was going on crashed into him.

I'm going to be a prince. I'll have to be polite, wear a fake smile, marry a girl who I despise, and pretend that life is great when really it's falling apart.

Tears welled in his eyes, and Aleksander vigorously shook his head to clear them.

"We're going to be late."

Swallowing thickly because of the burning sensation in his throat, Aleksander turned on his heel and strode out of the office.

The cathedral doors were wide open, and a herald introduced them as they stood at the end of the aisle.

"Presenting His Majesty Ilya Volkov and His Highness Aleksander Volkov!"

I can do this.

The High preist stood at the front of the church, holding a staff. He beckoned for Aleksander to walk down the aisle.

I can do this.

One step. Two steps.

I can do this.

Aleksander knelt down in front of the priest, and he spoke the vows that bound him to Aethiria forever.

" I, the High Priest of the kingdom of Aethiria, chosen servant of the heavens and keeper of sacred traditions, do solemnly beseech you, Aleksander Volkov, to take this vow as you ascend to the honored throne of our forebears. Before the witnesses assembled, before the realm, and before the eternal Creator, I bid you to swear by your heart, your blood, and your sacred duty to the people of this kingdom. Do you, Aleksander Volkov, take upon yourself the burden of becoming a reigning sovereign of Aethiria?"

"I do."

The priest signalled for the crownbearer to step forward, and took the crown with both hands.

"By the power vested in me as a servant of the divine and a guardian of our traditions, I now pronounce you, Aleksander Volkov, as the sovereign ruler of this realm. May you wear the crown with grace, rule with wisdom, and forever carry the hopes and aspirations of your people in your heart. So swear you, so be it, now and forevermore."

The cold metal of the crown settled on his head, and Aleksander rose.

"All hail His Highness Prince Aleksander Volkov!"

A sea of people rose to cheer for him, and Aleksander felt bile rise in his throat.


I can't do this.

He was falling apart at the seams, his facade crumbling like a house of cards. His vision was blurring, black dots swimming in front of him. The crown was burning, searing into his head.

Hold it together, Volkov.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aleksander saw his right hand catch fire.

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