Chapter 16

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Aethiria, present

Two hours. Two more hours of freedom.

And Aleksander fully intended one spending it by moping in his room until his coronation.

But despite how much he tried to dismiss it, this was probably the biggest day of his life. If he didn't know the reason why he was being crowned, Aleksander would have been bouncing off the roof.

Instead, his limbs felt like lead as he trudged to the bathroom to shower.

Cold water pounded on his back, and he relished the stinging pain it brought.

He could have stood there for hours, days, weeks.

When he finally stepped out of the water, he could barely blink his eyes.

Drying his hair furiously with a towel, he donned his suit.

He looked in the mirror, clutching the end of the table. The boy who stared back at him looked foreign, ice in his blue eyes and a grim set to his jaw.

What happened to me?

Aleksander combed his hair, donning his sash and royal insignia.

On his dresser table, there was a velvet box. He didn't have to look inside to tell what was in it.

Suck it up, Volkov. There is a war on the horizon, and my people must be united.

He tucked the box into his suit pocket.

A knock on the door roused him, and when he opened it the Head Governess stood in the doorway.

"You're behind schedule, Your Highness!" She squawked.

"My apologies. May we go?"

Aleksander half heartedly hoped she would say no, but of course the Governess only beckoned for him to come with her.

He stepped out of his room, immediately being hit with the castle's frantic buzzing energy.

It wasn't everyday that a prince was named.

Servants rushed around like bees, barely stopping to bow to him before they were off again.

He strode to the King's office, the governess scuttling behind him.

Aleksander raised the bronze knocker on the mahogany door, but before he could knock the door swung open.

Facing him was Kirigan. The older boy had a glare on his face so venomous that if looks could kill Aleksander would have been melted into a pool of acid.

"It seems like Father finally decided to claim you as a son," Kirigan spat.

Aleksander nodded brusquely, in no mood to put up with Kirigan's sour attitude.

But what Kirigan said next chilled him.

Leaning in, he whispered in a low voice: "I would watch your back. Accidents happen often."

Aleksander stiffened, lips parting in shock before Kirigan marched away.

Did he just threaten me?

Aleksander shoved the thought away before pushing open the door.

The King stood inside, back towards him. He didn't turn around, so Aleksander cleared his throat.


"Kirigan extended his hand of marriage yesterday." Without turning around, King Ilya brushed imaginary dust off of his lapel.

"How did it go?"

"The Duke threatened to have his head."

Aleksander had to cover up his surprised gasp with a cough.

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