Fear the Red Spiral

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The day started normally with bright clear skies and with our hopes high. We went out to find the last chaos emerald in a nearby jungle, but of course, Eggman was able to get his grubby hands on it before we could.

Me, Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic attempted to chase after Eggman but before we could, a metal blue blur knocked Sonic to the side, surprising all of us. Sonic, though unprepared for the metal blur, was able to fight back Metal Sonic while we dealt with the stray bots that came with that robot doppelgänger.

I swing my piko hammer side to side and slam it to the ground, causing a shockwave on the ground, officially clearing all the robots near me.

Soon, everyone got rid of Eggman's henchman, and we raced after him with Sonic after he disposed of Metal.

I didn't know that following Eggman to his base would change Sonic.

I didn't know the horror that would be unleashed upon on our very plane of existence.

Even if I did know, I don't know if I would still chase after Eggman but...

Sonic still would.

Nothing would have changed our fates.

Upon arriving at Eggman's base, we destroyed so many robots. It was fun, relaxing even.

Oh, how I wish we could go back, but we can't.

We, or should I say Sonic, found Eggman in an open room. It reminded me of when I was held at gunpoint on Ark, but this time seemed different.

I couldn't explain it, and I looked at my friends, and they too felt what I felt.

I wish we didn't just stand there and do nothing.

Eggman did his normal evil monologue, explaining how he was going to conquer the world... by using Sonic.

We all laughed at this.

I wish I had taken it more seriously then.

Eggman's face never changed from that hideous grin that he wore like he already won. He put his pod into a large mech powered by the emerald.

"Heh, well doesn't this ring a bell? Ran out of ideas, egghead, cause this looks awfully familiar to our second final boss battle." Sonic replied while standing in his heroic pose and rubbing a finger under his nose.

"OHOHO! It should be because it's the Death Egg Robot. I thought it would be a good ending to this chapter of our story." the round man replied with glee.

Soon, he and Sonic got ready to battle. Then boom, Sonic was running and jumping around the mech, but I don't know when or how, but Sonic got hurt and was knocked unconscious.

We immediately rushed out to provide aid. Tails provide arial, keeping Eggman busy in the sky. Meanwhile, Knuckles kept him busy on the ground. Me. I stayed with Sonic to somehow make him well again, knowing full well I couldn't.

We underestimated how deranged the doctor became over the years. Though it was such a simple design, it was stronger and faster than we expected. It carried every weapon imaginable. We couldn't and didn't have the time to understand how it was able to hold so much and move as efficiently as it did.

Soon Tails was shot out of the sky, his two tails burnt, leaving him unable to fly, but he gets back up on his feet. He fired lasers from his gun while running, jumping, and rolling. He did all that with precise movement. All that to avoid being hit, but that wasn't enough. A missile was sent after him and he tried to get away, but due to his tails being burnt, he couldn't outrun it. Leaving him to be blasted across the room. All that was left of him was a small bundle of burnt orange fur in the corner of the room.

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