"Now look what you made me do!" Cahs accuses getting in Ben's face. "He didn't make you do anything." Aria steps out from behind Ben and pushes Cash away. "You did that on your own. You spilled his drink, and you thought it was funny?" She asks. "No one was laughing with you, you pathetic idiots. You're not funny so grow up because everyone else has you act like children. You're not worth anyone's time." Aria tells him in an annoyed tone. "Now leave before I--" Aria's cut off by Ben, who grabs her hand, pulling her away, and the crowd cheers.


"I'm proud of you Ben." Gwen tells her cousin as they are now in Kevin's car driving through Bellwood. "You could've totally gone alien on that creep." She says. "I would've decked him." Kevin chimes in. "I'm proud of you too, Ari." Gwen tells the girl. "Thanks, mom." Aria chuckles. "Thanks for that Ari." Ben tells the girl holding her hand. "Yeah, yeah. He spilled some smoothie in my hair, so I wasn't gonna let it go so easily." Aria blushes, looking away. Kevin and Gwen look at the two then look at each other with a knowing look. "Get a room you two." Kevin teases, and Aria kicks the back of his seat.


Later that night, J.T. and Cash were walking through the streets. "Man, she got you good, Cash. You should have seen your face when-- when she said--" "Nobody does that to me, J.T.-- ever! Tennyson and that girl are gonna pay. I'll get them back. Then everybody will be laughing at him!" Cash shouts in J.T.'s face. J.T. looks around and then smiles, spotting Kevin's car. "Hey. It's Kevin's car." He says. "Yeah? So?" Cash asks. "So, if it was me, I'd go trash it. Leave Ben and that girl for later. You mess up Kevin's car, and everybody will know you're bad-- the baddest in town." J.T. suggests watching the group talk and eating food inside a diner. "They'll be talking about it for years." He adds with a smirk, and Cash also smirks. J.T. and Cash push Kevin's car to the end of the road, then Cash kicks it down a ditch and watches it roll down before hitting a tree stump, forcing the trunk open and sending a few items flying out, including the hand. "Dud, that's hard-core." J.T. says as the car's alarm blares. "Come on." Cash beckons, going to the car.

He kicks the car and the alarm stops. "Look at all this weird stuff." J.T. says, running to the back. "You think we could sell it?" He asks, crouching in front of the hand. "Hey!" Kevin shouts, seeing the boys and his car in the ditch. "What did you do to my car?" He asks, running at them. "Grab something." Cash tells J.T. before making a run for it. J.T. grabs the hand, a cube, and a metal pole but the cube falls from his arms. By the time the group got there, the boys were gone. "Kevin." Gwen places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "They won't get far." Ben says, switching through the aliens on his watch before landing on Jetray, he's about to transform but Gwen stops him. "Don't, Ben." She tells him. "I can fly after them. I'll find them." Ben tries to reason with her. "And then what, show them that you can transform into different aliens?" Aria asks. "Like Aria said, they're not worth anyone's time. Besides, they can't hide forever." Gwen tells him and Aria pushes the car back onto the road using energy.


The next day, Aria and Gwen were in Kevin's garage as the boy fixed his car, Gwen fell asleep on a chair, and Aria floated around, reading a spell book to learn some spells. "Can't believe those guys touched my car. Pushed it down a hill. Ohhh." Kevin mutters. "You've been here all night?" Ben asks, walking into the garage with two cups of juice. "And I'm not leaving until my ride is cherry." Kevin replies. "Want some help?" Ben offers. "You want to help me? Go away." Kevin shoos Ben away. "Fine by me." Ben says placing the juice onto the table before leaving. He turns back and grabs a cup. "No juice for you!" He tells Kevin before walking away and Aria laughs, waking up Gwen. Kevin stares at Ben shocked before grabbing the other juice. "I'm sorry about your car, Kevin, but you don't have to be such a jerk to Ben." Gwen defends her cousin. "Ugh. I got some kind of fruit bone in it." Kevin shares after slurping some juice.

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