The Past crawls back

Start from the beginning

Jimin gestures him to come closer to him, he is too tired to bother to walk to him.

"Your tie. The knot... I told you so many times Yoongi...." His voice came out flat mostly but with a hint of frustration.
Jimin is a perfectionist when it comes to apperance as he thinks it matters in this kind of business. But his thickhead boyfriend don't give a fuck actually.
But thanks to him, he does a bit nowadays.

Yoongi comes crouching infront of the couch as Jimin sits straight. He raises his hands and tries to put the knot perfectly placed on the top button.
But he is too sleepy to notice that Yoongi's eyes are moving all over his face, taking in his features.
There is a fondness in them, an gentle smile as he looks at his pouty lips as Jimin concentrate on the tie making them perfect. His messy hair along with it is somehow seems to be too sweet for Yoongi.
But maybe Jimin is too sleepy to give a mind to it.

But then Jimin feels pair of lips crashing on his own, the flavour of coffee still lingering in them.
He smirks against his lips, pulling a little back making the man lean a bit towards him.
He just wants his prince of Hell to pay for waking him up early.
So he pushes the tie knot a bit hard while still allowing him to kiss deeply, slightly making it hard for him to breathe so that Yoongi will pull away.
But to his surprise Yoongi doesn't stop or pull back.
His one hand supports Jimin's neck as he kisses more fiercely. Jimin can't help but moan into the kiss, his hand travells from the tie knot to his nape of neck.

It's rare Min Yoongi becomes this way.
Yoongi's tugs lightly on Jimin's now messy hair while kissing him a little deeper. Jimin pulled away first.
"You....." He closes his eyes and curses out. "Fuck...." He is breathing heavily.
To say the least his plan didn't work.
Yoongi smiles near his lips placing a quick peck in them.

Jimin looks at his tie again as Yoongi puts his fingers to make it loose. Jimin quickly makes opens the knot.
"I am sorry." Jimin mumbles while he concentrate on doing it right again but he doesn't sound sorry at all, rather defeated.
"I am in love baby."
And next moment Yoongi just felt a couch cushion hit his head.

"Don't call me that." Jimin scrunches his nose.
If anything he hates in this world right now is that nickname.

Yoongi laughs a bit heartily.
"Don't ever call me that."
"But you don't mind when...."

"You will be late." Jimin cuts off Yoongi & points at the clock.
No he is not the one who will be getting teasing this early morning. Cause then he will surely hit Yoongi in the head.
"I am not late."

Jimin rolls his eyes and redo the tie perfectly this time.
Yeah now it's perfect.

Jimin takes a deep breath while keeping his hands steady on Yoongi shoulder, maybe to keep him grounded. He speaks with a serious but genuine tone,
"See, the meeting. Just be who you are. You don't need to step down just because you are new in the business. Don't compromise your beliefs.
Hold your ground. People will come along.
And actually don't give a fuck to what they throws. Catch what you need and leave the rest."
Yoongi could see how Jimin's eyes changed as he started to speak.
Now it's not Jimin, it's Park Jimin speaking.

"Okay... Also I will never compromise my beliefs."

"Good. Sometimes they try to push the buttons of the new ones in the business. But you don't need to be that. You are not new in business. You are expanding. Keep that in mind." He gives a light pat to Yoongi's upper arms.

Yoongi is always in awe how Jimin says everything simply. It surprises him, infact sometimes kind of haunts too that how Jimin exactly knows what's going inside his mind and replies accordingly. Many times he did not even need to tell Jimin what he is feeling.
Jimin provides what he needs without a second word.
Like just now he provided the words Yoongi needed.

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