Entry 1: Introduction

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Today, the 1st day of my second year at Academi High; no different than the rest of my time at school. I wake up, comb my hair and plaster on my "sunny smile" I am a sunny person, after all. That is what my Mom thinks, what my sister thinks and what my dad thought before he left us all. But truthfully, I am not a sunny person, I am a nothing person. I act normal, read books, garden and do whatever else boys my age do. Most of the time though, I just sit alone, with my book so I can keep to myself, I don't mind being called a 'loner' if it means I'm seen as a normal person.

"Oniisan!! Hurry up! Osana is waiting for you!"

I hear a loud voice from downstairs, that's my younger sister Hanako. She doesn't know anything about the real me only the "sunny" "normal" me I present to everyone. For whatever reason, she adores me and wants to spend all her time with me and it's not like I find her annoying but having to act like my "normal self" to my sister of all people is difficult. I would tell her the truth, but, I doubt she'd understand. I make my way downstairs, pack my bento for lunch and greet my Mom. I soon find Hanako is whining to her about something.

"Why can't I go to Academi with Taro-Chan?"

Mom sighs, she's been asked this question at least a dozen times and is always reluctant to answer it. Mom thinks that it's mainly my decision and not wanting to seem too averse to the idea I've said to her, "Hanako would find it too difficult and overwhelming. Her current school is much smaller than Academi and she's already made plenty of friends there" That is a lie. The real reason I don't want Hanako to attend Academi is, I don't want her bothering me. Yes, I know that sounds cruel but the more she talks and rambles about her interests the more I find it difficult to act normal. I don't want her fantasy of me to be shattered.

Mom eventually replies, "Hanako Yamada, your current school is perfectly fine. Your brother will be right home when you come back. Now please stop asking me." I know for a fact Mom struggled to deny Hanako like that but in all honesty, I think Mom worries that Hanako will be bullied if she transfers to Academi, as her adoring nature may be seen as childish. Hanako looks at me with pleading eyes.

I try my best to look gentle, "Hanako.. Mom's right, Academi is a big school with lots more people. You'll find it difficult to settle in" Hanako looks down slightly defeated and wanting this discussion to stop I add, "Maybe you can transfer in a few weeks?" With that one sentence Hanako's eyes light up and she hugs me. I breathe a subtle sigh of relief happy the conversation was over and I could be left alone. That is until I was reminded that Osana was still waiting for me outside. 

"Osana!" Mom says as she opens the door, "Taro's sorry he kept you waiting, aren't you dear?" I had overslept like every morning, it's another habit I started as a desperate attempt to appear normal. 

"Yeah.. I am, sorry Osana" Osana gives me a look, it is clear she's trying her best to look visibly annoyed. 

"You better be, dummy!"  I'm sure when she  calls me "dummy" it's meant as an insult but I really couldn't care. I respond with a simple, "Okay.." and saying goodbye to Mom and Hanako, Osana and I walk to school. I keep Osana entertained as I usually do with discussions about my pretend hobbies and Osana brushes me off like always. 

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