"What the hell are you doing here?? I didn't need your help Jordan I can handle shit on my own and why the fuck do you even care, what if I actually am back with him?" She questions. 

"I may really fucking hate you, but I'm not heartless. I know when someone needs help and it sure looked like you needed it. And if you were really that fucking stupid to get back with him after the shit he pulled then you are more naive than I thought." I say as we stand inches apart.

"You mean the shit you pulled!?! You caused all of this Jordan, you constantly go out of your way to make my life miserable!" She yells. 

I have no response as I stare straight into her eyes while neither of us break eye contact. "Yeah great fucking "friend." She says while putting quotation marks in the air and shoving my shoulder as she walks away with a hurt expression. 

I grab her hand and pull her back over to me. "Hell no I am not letting you go back to class after getting sexually assaulted and almost raped are you crazy?" I yell. That's when I notice the red marks and bruises on her neck. 

"Did he fucking do this to you?" I yell. 

"He didn't mean to he just forgets he's stronger than me, so stop trying to get in our business!" She yells back. 

"That's not a fucking accident Oak I've been through this before." I say. 

"Don't you dare call me Oak you don't get that privilege." She states back fuming. 

"Fine then suit yourself, but if that dick ever touches you again I'm fucking killing him and I'm not even joking." I state seriously as I walk away. She stands frozen for a few seconds before wiping a tear from her eye and heading back to class. 

The rest of the day was pretty much a blur and after the last bell rang I headed to the locker room to change for volleyball practice. I wear my Nike spandex and an old club volleyball shirt I used to have from Sophomore year. 

Each team chose captains and I was picked for the varsity captain. it wasn't shocking though after I have been picked for it the last 4 years. 

I spend all of practice getting in reps and mainly focusing on hitting and blocking. Once we finish practice I head out to my car. Waiting by my car was Hazel. 

"Are you fucking crazy! You kicked Dalton in the balls?" She shouts in a hyper tone. 

"Yeah so what?" I question back as I unlock my car and place my bag in the trunk. 

"Why would you do that!?" She screams.

"If you want to know so bad, he was sexually assaulting Oakley. I wasn't going to stand there and let him do that even if I hate her ass which I still do." I glare back at Hazel. 

"Wait you mean to tell me you did this all for Oakley? Plot twist, but I don't think you realize what you got yourself into he's making up rumors like crazy and told the whole football team you're a whore." She says as she pulls up screen shots. 

"Well is he wrong? He can do whatever he wants I don't care I've had a long day I need to go home but I love you Hazel call me tonight." I say as I get in my car. 

I stop by the animal shelter on my way home as I do everyday and say hi to Mary while helping her out with anything she needed. 

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