Chapter 3

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Oakley's pov 

I wake up feeling super hungover on Hazels trampoline. There were a couple random people passed out on lawn chairs, but other than that I was the only one outside. I yawn as I get off the trampoline and stumble my way inside. 

I spot Jaden curled up in a blanket passed out in a beanbag with Hazel doing the same on the beanbag next to her. I walk over to the kitchen and see Jordan drinking a cup of coffee. 

I ignore her and continue into the kitchen attempting to make my own cup. She glares at me from the side and scoffs. 

"Can I help you?" I ask with an attitude. "No I think if anyone needs help here its you. You really think coffee will help a hangover? You need water." She says in a serious tone. 

"Don't even pretend to care Jordan it's pathetic." I say shuffling past her. "Says the one who acts all innocent to get attention from guys. If anything, thats pathetic." She remarks. 

I stay silent not having anything to say back. She then scoots out of her chair making a screeching sound and heads into the living room. 

"You couldn't have been any louder." Hazels says as she rubs her eyes just waking up. "Sorry babes I just cannot handle Oakleys pick me bitch self right now." Jordan says smiling. 

"Ughhh can you guys just get along for 2 seconds." Hazel says groaning. "No" Me and Jordan both reply at the same time. "Okay..." Hazels says as it gets quiet. 

"Well I need to head out I got a date planned with James in a few hours." Jordan says kissing Hazel on the cheek and then leaving. 

James Holden is another one of Daltons best friends, mostly from football. He is one of the most popular guys at our school but unlike the rest James is actually super nice. He always stands up for what is right and does the right thing all the time. Which is why I don't know why he would choose to go out with Jordan. 

I shake off the thought and go jump on top of Jaden to wake her up while Hazel helps me. 

"Okay okay I'm up I'm up!" She yells while laughing. "What should we do today?" I ask while patting Jadens leg. 

"We need to clean this mess of a house." Hazel says with a groan. "We got you girl, but where did Jordan go?" Jaden asks. 

I stare at the ground in response to the question as my blood starts to boil at the thought of her. How she pretends to care, when in reality she sucks the life out of everything with her venomous self. 

"She left to go on a date with James, so I don't think we will be seeing her anytime soon." Hazels says with a slight laugh. 

Shortly after, we all get up and get to cleaning. We had to kick out a few remainders who passed out in the tub, on the lawn, and under the ping pong table. But, after a few hours we finally finished. 

"I am never throwing a party again ughhh." Hazel says sarcastically as she sighs. "Guys we should go to the mall." Jaden requests with a smirk plastered on her face. 

"I am so down, I'll drive because I think I have the most gas out of all of us." I say as I grab my keys and head out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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