"I guess that makes sense, but I've never fought a curse before," you commented with a blank expression. Gojo stopped drawing his flow chart of what curses would usually look like depending on their grade level. He turned to face you, batting his eyelashes under his shades, "Never?"

"Not once," you shrugged while Gojo simply cringed. He let out a short sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment.

"Well it's not my fault that I was held captive at the Zenin estate for so long that I've never fought a curse!"

"I know, but this is gonna take a bit longer. Don't worry! We've captured some curses we've fought in the past and they're somewhere on campus, so we can use that to help train you!"

"Somewhere?! You mean you don't know where they're at?!"

"It's not like any of them are above a grade 2. Besides, they're kept in terrariums hidden by curtains."

"Are we still talking about curses or ants?"

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Anyways," Gojo finally continued. "First, you need to utilize your cursed technique. You said something about some guy from the Zenin clan teaching you how to use it, right?" He asked, turning to face you once again. You nodded, switching your sitting position to sitting on your feet.

"Good! That's really gonna help you, unless you choose to use cursed tools, which still gets the job done," he turns back to the whiteboard. "Anyhoo, your specific cursed technique is already strong, but think about what you could do if you had the motivation?"

"I could only think."

"Well that's not good," Gojo huffs in exasperation. "Now, how many arts have you already learned?"

"All 8 of them," you answer, earning a dramatic gasp from Gojo. He drops the marker as he rushes down to shake you by your shoulders, "There's 8?! Jeez, this is gonna take some work," he sighs as he brings his hand up to his hair.

"Whatever, I'll just get you on a mission at some point this week," he sighs again.

-- --

Gojo did what he said he would do, and managed to snag a mission for you regarding a curse attack in the middle of a school day. One of the teachers there who also works as a window said they saw a curse appear in front of a group of teenagers on the baseball field and are currently holding them hostage somewhere in the school building at the moment. You were assigned the mission to save the teenagers if you found them alive or retrieve them if they were dead. Since being a special grade was considered an added benefit in the Jujutsu world, you were supposed to exorcise the curse as well.

"Are you ready?" A man asks as he stands next to you. His hair is blond, you like the style he chose- only for his hair, though. His clothing style is...well you've seen better around the Zenin estate on occasion. It's raining at the moment, which makes this mission just a whole lot harder since there's a chance of a power outage. Still, you nod silently, then walk into the building after him and start looking for the handful of teenagers.

"It's hot in here," you comment as you bring your hand up to nag at the collar of your uniform shirt. The man, Nanami, says nothing and goes up a flight of stairs.

"Do you think it would be best to split up?" He asks, finally turning to face you once the two of you are halfway up the second flight of stairs. You shrug, "I guess, Gojo made me do 1,000 kicks and punches individually yesterday, so I should be pretty good at that."

"Alright, snap this in half to let me know if you need help," he says before digging into his chest pocket, pulling out what looks like a small keychain and handing it to you. "It's a relic used as a signal. When you snap it, it releases a band of potential energy, and it goes far enough to reach the host."

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