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[For Anyone wanting a short version, I have a Oneshot of this book in my Ateez Oneshot book]

This is a seongjoong book but there are snippets of other ships being involved, mainly Yungi, jongsang and woosan.

[There will be trigger warning put in place for some parts of this book, for things such as blood and injuries, violence and other things it may be needed for. They will all be clearly marked at the beginning and end so don't worry if you want to skip that part. I got you 🫡]

Now, on with this little books intro! 😄 enjoy!


Aurora, a place that so many try to visit every year due to its beautiful scenery.

A place many people would kill to come to, a place so peaceful and serene that you can't help but feel calm as you view the gorgeous scenery.

The island that is known as paradise due to its hidden waterfalls, large flower fields, and pristine beaches.

An island that was never anything but picture perfect with sun shining and birds flying in the blue sky.

Somewhere that many hold fond memories, where many live peaceful lives as they go day to day doing their regular routines. Every day, people fill the streets from sunrise up until late at night.

Somewhere that means so much to so many, a place of life and happiness.

But it's also somewhere that holds a dark story.

A story that only a handful knew of.

It's somewhere that wasn't as it seemed.

A place that evil lurked and waited for its prey.

A place where the streets were dark and empty on that one fateful day, the sky was filled with clouds and rain beat down against the cobblestone streets.

An island with a cursed day, a day where evil struck and caused trauma and chaos...

To a small group of people, a family... an innocent pair who just wanted happiness..

An incident that would remain in the memories of those involved forever..

It was an incident that put a dark cloud over the seemingly innocent land....

Sometimes, the memory would strike at random times, others it would be triggered by the smallest of things..

Just the mention of Aurora would bring back flashbacks that nobody wanted to re live....

But most often, when they slept, the incident would replay in their minds....

Tormenting them....

It would wait until they were the most vulnerable before it struck....

⚠️Beginning: Blood & injury/dying. Its very brief!⚠️

Waiting for the most peaceful times before it reeked havoc on their minds....

A peaceful dream of sitting in a flower field slowly turning dark as clouds grew overhead, a feeling of rain beating down from out of nowhere...

The person laying on their lap, once peacefully sleeping now choking on their own blood as it flowed from their mouth onto the muddy ground..

The once neat white outfit now stained with blood, torn by blades of a sword as their life was draining by the second.

The calm sound of the ocean was now covered by the wind howling through the trees.

All the quiet birds that were once chirping were now drowned out by a woman's pained scream echoing into the night..

A scream that never seemed to end...


×Hongjoong's Pov×

The feeling of panic was heavy in my chest as my eyes shot open. Almost instantly, I sat bolt upright in bed as my breaths were short and quick.

I thought it was real....

I thought it was happening again...

It felt so real again....

My chest felt as if someone had been sitting on it as my breathing began to become slow and relaxed. The panic began fading as my surroundings became familiar once again.

No longer was I standing in a dark woodland path.....

I was back in the cabin on the ship..

A feeling of relief washed over me as I sat in silence, looking around the room before fixing my gaze out of the window.

The night sky was clear, and the ocean was calm. There were stars lighting up the sky as the full moon shone down on the water.

I stayed there for a while, calmly staring out of the window at the ocean until I felt relaxed.

The silence was no longer eerie as I focused on the sound of the water below.

There was something calming about it...

The sound of silence was always off-putting....

Silence was something I found suspicious and concerning.....

Soon, the thought of sleep was becoming more and more tempting as I slowly lay back down.

The pillow was still warm as I rested my head back with a sigh. It was comforting..

The sound of the ocean, the warm bed, the darkness mixed with the moonlight, the quiet breathing, and faint snores coming from the other side of the bed.

It was all comforting to me.

The feeling of not being alone was calming.

The most comforting and calming thing was still here, on the other side of the bed sleeping peacefully.

I slowly turned to lay on my side as I looked over at the older who was sleeping quietly. He looked relaxed as his cheek squished against the pillow.

I always wondered how someone so scarred and broken can be so calm at times...

Someone that has had so much to deal with and go through at the hands of someone else, yet is still the most caring and patient with others...

Sometimes, I think he's too good for me as someone who's taken many lives with my own hands, as someone who doesn't even bat an eye at the sight of death.

I often wondered what's kept him by my side all this time. Each time I ask him why, I just got 'Because you're you', and it confused me even more each time...

But I have never once complained about it, I know I would be lost if he wasn't there.

I would have lost my mind....

I would trade everything in my possession if it meant he stayed here, I would give up my own life if it meant he would be safe...

I had felt that way for a long while before I could figure out why..

I cared about him so much more than i realised. He was one of the few people I care about in my life...

But I also wanted to be around him more than other people. There was something about him that made me calm and happier than I was with anyone else....

He felt like home....

I wanted him to feel happy, safe, and comfortable. I never wanted to see him feeling anything negative...

And when he did feel sad or uncomfortable, I just wanted to do whatever I could to see him smile again....

He had been in so much pain, I never wanted to see him like that ever again....

It wasn't until that day that I realised why all of that was, and it terrified me...

I was in love with him...

And I couldn't bear to lose him....


And that is the intro 😅

My Treasure ▪︎ Seongjoong Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt