CH. 1 - The Castle Of The Dimitrescu's

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It was Winter in the village at this time of year in October, it was very peaceful. During this time of year Jane and Her family would go cut down some wood for the houses in need of fire wood, to stay warm during the winter. Luckily Her family has a strong bloodline, along with strong immune systems and strength to stand the cold.

All four of them were walking through the snowy paths, taking the path behind the benevento residence next to the huge waterfall. Her Father Decided to work by himself, since he prefers it that way. Her Younger Sister Leah and Brother Yuri Decided to work together, not by choice but mainly because Yuri is childish while Leah was very mature.

Jane Of course started Chopping down wood by herself like usual since she's quite stronger than her siblings, Even for her soft personality. Everything was quiet during this time, just hearing the sound of wood getting chopped. Other than that, is Yuri and Leah Arguing constantly which always made her smile and shake her head.

After a good few hours the family got just enough wood for all the houses in the village, and surprisingly Jane's Father gave her the bag with most of the wood being completely heavy for her other siblings to carry.

"Jane i know you'd be the one normally delivering to lady Luiza, but today i need you to Deliver this to Castle Dimitrescu." Her Father Ordered Her as She just looked up at Him completely puzzled.

"Castle Dimitrescu? i thought that was normally your thing- What's with the sudden change?" Jane asked very confused as her father answered back.

"Something important came up that all adults in the village need to attend with Mother Miranda, so you, Your brother and sister are splitting my deliveries."

Jane didn't have the heart to make any arguments just wanting to make her father proud, so she just nodded her head in agreement. They all started to split from eachother, Leah taking the houses near Moreau Residence, being able to resist the terrible smell. Yuri took the houses near the Beneviento Residence and Jane took the houses near Castle Dimitrescu.

There were hardly any house near Heisenbergs factory and Heisenberg himself would normally do things himself not wanting to be disturbed by others.

During Jane's walk she can see how quiet this part of the village was. Most of the villagers stay in their houses.. Looking Afraid..? While she walked she did most of her delivery's getting lei in return for the firewood but she couldn't end her day yet. She was now standing in front of the gates to Castle Dimitrescu with cold feet, being nervous.

Once she had the courage she walked through the gates carrying the bag of wood over her shoulder, walking up the path towards the doors. While walking up to the castle, she noticed weird looking scarecrows which made her crook an eyebrow but decided to leave it be. Once she reached the doors she knocked Twice and not long after a maiden Answered the door.

"Oh- your new? i was expecting Mr Wright to show up." the maiden remarked, She looked like she's been working here for quite some time judging by how time hit her, but still beautiful for her age nonetheless.

"uhm Mr Wright is busy at the moment Ma'am, so i had to take his deliveries, sorry to disappoint you." Jane spoke softly being very polite as always.

"You must be his Daughter then, i presume?" She asked with curiosity since Jane did look like her father after all.

"Yes Ma'am, oh right here's the wood for Lady Dimitrescu." Jane put the bag of wood down as the Maiden tried to pick it up but it was to heavy for her.

{You Set My Dead Heart A Blaze} - Cassandra Dimitrescu x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora