"Oh my god! I got hired! I got hired, Mom!" I immediately called my mom on the green app since she was in the Philippines. "One of the top modeling agencies accepted me!"

"I'm so proud of you, darling! I know you're meant for greater things like this. You made me so proud, my Khrizanta," she muttered sincerely on the other line.

I bit my lip to stifle a sob when I felt my eyes getting watered. "Thank you, Mommy. Thank you for always believing in me. . .Thank you for supporting me!" I muttered emotionally.

All of the sleepless nights, forbearance, and hard work were all worth it.

My career boomed when I walked on the runway for Chanel. My first runway show was nerve-wrecking. I was really thankful that I didn't make any mistakes. I managed to walk elegantly and built my own signature walk.

Since then, my career as a model has soared up in just a year. I was invited to several fashion shows and photoshoots for big brands like Versace, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Balmain, and Chanel. I also appeared in several interviews, commercials, digital billboards, red carpets and many more. In addition, I was in demand for Harper's Bazar US magazines and Vogue magazine. I was even invited to attend the met gala.

Everything seems surreal. I can't believe my face is all over the internet and in the news, internationally. Kung noon kasi sa Pilipinas lang, ngayon naman ay sa ibang bansa nasa ako binabalita. I also gained million of fans and of course, haters. Hindi na yata mawawala 'yon.

"Denver, what's my schedule for the whole day?" I asked while sitting on the high chair. My legs crossed, and my eyes were busy looking at the magazine I covered last week.

"You have a meeting with Miss Donatella Versace for the Incoming Fashion show. You have a photoshoot at ten for Chanel. Two pm interview for the YouTube video of Vogue. You're going to answer 73 questions, by the way. Six pm, shoot for the podcast with Shay."

I stopped flicking the magazine after memorizing my schedule. I looked up at Denver. "Okay, I'm ready." I gave the signal, and my stylist immediately went near me to start doing my hair and make up.

On the month of the fashion week, my heart skipped a beat when a familiar guy was there, watching me from a far. Hindi ko maiwasan na hindi tumingin sa kanya dahil may kung anong magnet yata siya at sa kanya ako palagi napapasulyap.

There were times that he was also present at the launching of some clothing lines I endorsed. Nasa malayo nga lang siya, hindi ako nilalapitan at lalong hindi ako kinakausap.

But even from afar, he screams familiarity and nostalgia.

There was a time that I wanted to approach him because maybe he was an introvert and just scared to open up a conversation with me, but I didn't want a controversy, so I didn't. 

However, there was a time when we almost collided with each other. It was in the Versace fashion week last year. He just said sorry and excused himself like I didn't exist there.

I wanted to run after him and ask him if he knew me. Because every time our eyes capture each other, my heart beats faster than ever. He has this unwavering effect on me that no one else could give me. I could also sense how he looked at me. His eyes simmered with admiration, sorrow and longing every time I caught him looking at me.

"Khrizanta Louisse!" Denver snapped me out of my thoughts and asked, making me startled. "Are you even listening?" she hissed.

"Sorry?" I blinked a few times to force myself back into reality. "What were you saying again?"

"I said, don't go anywhere and just stay here in your apartment," she repeated frustratedly.

My eyebrows creased. "Why? Today is Gigi's birthday party—" I pressed my lips together and quit talking when I saw how serious she was.

CROSSING THE WILD WAVES (Familiá Altamirano #2)Where stories live. Discover now