Aranea has the element of Thread. Fae can summon and control thread and string, fae can sense how people are connect to each other, through heir strings of fate. Fae can use faer thread to create webs, similar to a spider. 

The Space element is Aurelia. Zhe can teleport to any place zhe's been to, zhe can take people with zhim, but it takes a lot of energy. Zhe can sense when a person has their own element or when a portal is opened. 

Together they make an extremely formidable team, I had to talk to them before they reached the guard. The guard would tell them about me and they would leave in a hurry. 

I flew down the Mountain at the fastest speed I could go for a small distance. I landed in between them and the guards, there was still quite a distance, but I don't think I could win in a fight. Even a one on one, well maybe with a few of them. 

"What do you want Morro?" Theron snarled in my direction, his voice was ruff and scratchy. Their dark orange eyes flashed dangerously. The rest of the group stood ready to fight. 

"We need your help," I sighed before continuing. "I need your help."

"The plans need to be accelerated," Aurelia said absently. Not a question, a statement. I nodded, though there was no need to. Zhe was always right. 

"Then why isn't Lloyd here?" Aranea asked, fae looked ready to strike, but fae always did. 

"He's busy with the Ninja and the Dragon Elemental Master," I growled softly. 

A look of shook passed over their faces, a Dragon element would be very powerful. But that would also mean that there was an Oni element, or even angel and demon elements. 

Khamari finally spoke, breaking the shocked silence, "We should take this elsewhere, or enter the Eye," he spoke like he always did,like he had better places to be besides the present. 

"We enter the Eye," Theron growled firmly, "Your coming with us," He roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me with him, I didn't risit. There really was no point. 

"Don't touch anything," Neo and Kikimora growled at the same time. 

To my surprise it was Khamari who went up to talk to the guards, they seemed to really like him. Khamari was always the one who hated small, dark spaces. He was this soft tall boy, it made no sense. Then I noticed a set of beads woven into his white-pink hair and light blue horns, the set of beads was tied to a warriors horns or head. These warriors were held in the highest esteem, and respected by all. 

How did Khamari have this? This title of power and respect? 

The market was like the last time I was here: shady and busy. The group stopped just after entering and turned to Bekura, xe looked to be listening to something. Xe had xyr eyes closed and was concentrating. Xe gave stall numbers to each of the group and split in different directions to each stall. 

Vendors yell out different prices for each of their items, trying to get you to buy them. Bekura must have listened to each Vendor's price and found the best ones. As I followed Theron something caught my eye. 

A vendor was selling creatures, there were baby dragon eggs in one of the enclosed areas. There were two eggs: one a sunny yellow that seemed to glow, and a pale gray one that shone slightly. Those were Sun and Moon dragon eggs, they were laid once every thousand years and the dragons born from them were extremely powerful. 

"Theron!" I called to the hunter, and whispered, "Do you know what those are?" 

"Dragon eggs?" they responded, confused by why I would ask. 

I looked him right in the eyes and said, "There Sun Moon dragon eggs," 

Their eyes widened in surprise, "We need to get them out of here." 

"Agreed," I nodded. 

We approached the vendor at the back, "How much for the two eggs at the front?" Theron questoned. 

"2000," The vendor, Yerza, responded in a bored, high pitched tone. 

"Here," Theron handed him a bag of coins. 

"You have 2000," I whispered to the hybrid. 

He shrugged and ran, grabbing the eggs and running. 

"Bro!" I yelled, running after him, "Sorry, were in a hurry!" I yelled to Yerza. 

Thanks for reading, hope you like my characters! 

Peace out! 

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