The Pack

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Morro POV 

After talking with my Prince I began getting ready to go to the Eye, the Eye was an underground exclusive city; located at the center of the Dark Islands eye. The beings that lived there were humanoid Scorpions, they were merchants who were sly as can be. The Pack always stayed near the Eye, they could get supplies from there and not have them raid their home. Their home however was unknown to everyone but them. To find them I would need to scout out the Eye. 

"Mistral you have to stay here for this one, ok?" I told the Wind as I was heading out. He gave a simple nod before I transformed and headed out. Our base was at the southern tip of the Dark Island, and the Eye at the northern, so it would take about an hour to get there. 

The Eye was completely surrounded by water, the only way across was a single bridge. If you snuck in you would be recognized immediately and killed or thrown out. 

I landed and returned to my hybrid form, and approached the guard stationed at the bridge entrance. The scorpion there was a blackish red with yellow eyes. He extra limbs clacked on the stone bridge. He wore the dark gold colour of their army force, his barbed tail lashed behind them agitatedly. 

They looked like they were deciding  whether or not I was a threat, they must have decided not. They let me approach the bridge, I bowed to them. A sign of respect and submission. 

He spoke in a high dark voice, "What is the meaning of your entrance?" 

"I'm here to bargain," I responded in the normal distorted growl. 

"Your one of the Pack's kind, are you not?" He questioned darkly. 

I sighed, of course he knew them. "Yes I am," I growled calmly. 

"They agreed to only come on Saturdays, so why are you here now?" He seemed extremely suspicious of me. 

"Oh, did they? Well thank you. I was looking for them," I snarled darkly, the calm facade gone. The sudden change startling the guard, "I'll be back to see them," With that I turned and left. 

I camped out on one of the surrounding Mountains, the Eye is in a basin surrounded by high mountains. These mountains were completely unlike the Mountain that we call home, these were normal mountains, they were dark but not light absorbing. 

Two days later, they appeared. The Pack 

There were seven of them, each a dragon hybrid with their own Element. They were all extremely powerful with their own Element, and their dragons. 

They were led by Theron, Hunt Element. Their element allowed them to sense heart beats, track by any sense, use long claws, and perfectly hide themselves. Theron is the ultimate hunter. 

Their partner Khamari or Mari, Dream Element. He has a formidable element. He could cause anyone to fall asleep by a simple touch, and control their dreams, from there he could control them in the waking world. 

Next was Kikimora or Kiki, her element is Nightmare. Similar to Khamari she learns people's worst fear with one touch and becomes it, and attacks them with it, no matter how obscure. 

Neo the element of Transphormation, he can change any object into another with one touch, the size can't be huge or anything like that, he can change himself as well and others, only if they allow it. 

The element of Echo is Bekura's, xe can copy any sound xe hears and can hear sounds no one else can. Bekura can track were the sound waves are, and can emit a noise to tell where objects are. 

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