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“ chiarai, please- i'm - a little scared. ” yūgure laughed anxiously, sounding breathless.

well, she was. chiarai skated very fast for her liking, toting her along because her wrist was in his grasp.

and this ice wasn't smooth enough for beginners.  yūgure thought, sweat dropping.

“ just trust me! i'm good at skating.” chiarai boasted, but when yūgure focused ahead of him she spotted a big chunk of ice that stuck out from the floors surface.

“ chiarai! ” yūgure gasped in fear, trying to tell him to watch out, but he only talked over her, until he tripped over it, dragging yūgure with him.

she let out a short, terrified scream which faded into a quiet shriek.

Since he was holding her wrist, when he fell, he launched her over his falling form, sending her flying face first into the ice.

“ oh my gosh! are you guys alright? ” yamai called out, skating over to them.

But it was too late, yūgure just laid against the ice, her forehead resting again the cold surface.

“ chiarai? are you alive? ” najimi asked, nudging his body with her foot.

“ I am, unfortunately! ” he cried, going to sit on his knees.

yūgure still laid against the ice, trying to register if that really happened, or if it was just a dream.

“ that looked like a really bad fall.. are you okay? ” a soft voice whispered next to her ear, making her slightly lift her face from the ice.

she nodded, because she was so out of it she couldn't even speak.

She held the side of her head for a moment before she noticed the outstretched hand tadano held out for her.

“ Did you get hurt? I'm really sorry. ” chiarai said softly, looking a bit sad and very disappointed in himself.

yūgure only waved it off with a smile.

chiarai skated away with his two friends who scolded him and knocked him upside the head in the distance.

it was only when she stood alone with tadano among the ice that she noticed she still held his hand.

“ Oh, sorry-” she said, trying to slip his hand out of his, but his loose grip tightened gently.

“ do- um, do you want to learn how to ice skate with me? I can teach you. “ he says with a soft smile, the other his going  to rub his neck nervously.

yūgure nodded, once, staring straight into his eyes, but flickered to his hands when he held out the other one, gesturing for her free hand to grab his.

𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐌 , hitohito tadanoWhere stories live. Discover now