17 | In the Library

Start from the beginning

She was sharp, but Luwen kept herself calm against the confrontation. "What do you mean?"

"I wonder what you did to those men for them to change their minds easily. How did you do it? Why would they take your side when you're clearly our enemy?"

When she didn't answer, Biyu carried on. "It is a known fact that you wandered into the former lord's residence that night. When our lord questioned the guards stationed outside your room, they said you snuck out alone without their knowing."

Luwen's breath hitched in her throat as her mind processed this piece of information which Dai Yichen never told her. The guards and the maid were on the same side. From the beginning, it was all part of their plan to frame her for possessing ill intentions and hoping to expel her from the clan. Or worse, they could execute her.

Her enemies were everywhere. Even Biyu was finding her faults.

The girl crossed her hands and harrumphed. "Fortunately, the lord had assigned Yerong to be your secret guard. He was your witness to your innocence. If it wasn't for him, they would have delivered your dead body back home the following morning."

Luwen closed her eyes in relief, releasing the breath she had been holding in. "I owe my life to both of them."

"That's correct. If you hurt either of them, I'll be the one hunting you down and ending your life. You hear me? Even when you become a ghost, I'll curse you down to the hell realm... Why are you smiling like that?"

Luwen's smile held a sense of melancholy. "Because I envy the friendship you three share."

Biyu gave a troubled look. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Smiling. Talking like a proper human." She was slowly losing the harshness in her tone as she spoke. "I can't get used to this."

Silence ensued, but not for long. "But I can," Luwen admitted quietly. "I enjoy talking to you, and I admire your honesty. I won't blame you for hating me and my clan, but I appreciate you telling me everything instead of talking behind my back and plotting several ways to kill me."

Biyu's eyes widened in utmost surprise. "I–you–" She fumbled with her words, lifting her hands in the air, but she could not form a coherent sentence. "Forget it."

Dropping her hands in exasperation, she turned away to resume her nap and Luwen got the hint that the conversation ended.

Back to the books then.

It wasn't like the library contained texts on how to murder the matriarch, so she settled for a demonology book next. She flipped through the pages, finding the details all too familiar as she grew up studying demons in the past. The only one which she had read little on was the legendary creature which nearly killed Dai Yichen's older brother.

A Black Dragon. A vile, ill-tempered creature who had fallen off the heavens and descended to earth because of its broken wings which were damaged during a fight. After losing the ability to fly, it had lost its senses and made Nightfall Isles as its home. Any trespassers found lurking in its territory would face being hunted and killed.

Although the Nightfall Isles was originally an island home to many more creatures, there were several rare magical herbs grown there. Despite the dangers, humans would repeatedly enter such a place for this reason.

Just like Dai Huchen. He may have been fortunate enough to escape from the Black Dragon, but its claws struck him and he hit his head, which landed him in his tragic state today.

As Luwen read about a Black Dragon's characteristics, she found something interesting. The dragon's lower jaw had a venomous gland that could cause a shock and corrode a person's abilities to wield powers.

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