"Train station's the edge of town. But you'll never get a ticket."
You shake your head, taking Loki's hand and start walking. "Let's go" you tell the other two.


"Well this looks fun" Loki smiles sarcastically, looking at the long queue of people waiting to get onto the train.
"Come on" Sylvie says.
"We can't fight our way onto the train" you point out and Sylvie shakes her head.
"Who said anything about fighting?"
"All your plans involve fighting" you tell her.

She shrugs. "Fine, but not this one. I'm going to enchant a guard, have him lead us through the crowd, and if anyone gives us any trouble..."
"Make him start shooting?" Loki asks. "Then what? Kill every guard and hijack the train?"
"Wether or not there's a fight is entirely up to them" Sylvie tells you both.

Loki shakes his head, stopping the two of you, as well as himself, in your tracks. "We're doing this one my way" he smiles, grabbing your shoulders and swiftly moving to the other side of you. He was now dressed in the guard's blue uniform.
"How do I look?" He asks you.
"Like someone with a shit plan" you say, looking him up and down slowly.
"It's a great plan!" He defends himself, frowning when you don't loom convinced. "Just follow my lead."

He grabs your arm, and Sylvies, and guides you both to the entrance of the train. The noise of the crowd's terror and desperation made you feel physically ill for a moment. You snap back to reality when the guard stopped the three of you from entering.

"Taking these two to Shuroo" Loki says in the best guard voice he can. You almost burst out laughing on the spot.
"Okay?" The guard questions. "And the tickets?"
"Orders come from the top to get them on this train" Loki informs him but the guard turns to another guard.

You think fast, quickly closing your eyes and entering the guard's weak mind with ease. Your head begins pounding with ache as you quickly take control.

"What is this?!" The guard asks you. You both stood in the white void, your devilish smile staring directly at him. "We're in your mind" you say, walking closer to the now terrified guard. You both hear the conversation that was happening in real time.

"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, everything is fine" the guard told the other one. The guy's eyes in front of you widened.
"You're controlling me?!" He gasped.
"Calm down, it's only for a bit" you smile innocently. "We needed to get on that train."

You opened your eyes, exiting his mind when you felt your physical body get pushed by Loki onto the train. Your head still ached but you brushed it off, finding the three of you seats and moving to sit in the middle of the two.

"Uh.. I can't go backwards on a train" Loki tries to say to Sylvie, who had sat where he wanted to.
"Well, I never sit with my back to a door" Sylvie responds.
"There are doors on both sides" you note to her, who rolls her eyes and looks at Loki.
"Just sit down!" She yells at him and he complies.

"FYI that wasn't really a plan" Sylvie tells Loki.
"Oh, really?" Loki questions.
"Plans have multiple steps. Dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing" Sylvie whispers. Your head pounded more and more at the sound of their voices.

"You a bit tired?" Loki asks Sylvie as she yawns. "Feel free to get some rest!"
"I can't sleep in a place like this" Sylvie frowns.
"You can't sleep on a train?!" You question.
"No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people" she leans in, raising her voice at you. She smirked when she saw you try to massage your head. "You feel free to take a nap" she says.
"Nice try" you groan.

"Are you okay?" Loki asks you and you put your thumbs up to him, looking up at the man and smiling.
"I don't do that trick often for a reason" you tell him, gesturing to the mind control over the guard. "It messes with my own head as much as theirs. Makes it harder to keep the full control and gives me the worst, long-lasting headache in the world" you groan in pain, dragging out your sentence as you face slump onto the table.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now