20. Ferris wheel of emotions (2)

Start from the beginning

"You are so worthless, I wish I never agreed your mother to have you"

I feel a palm covering my hand as a second voice echoes my thoughts.


"It's alright, I'm right here." The voice is to sweet, to sweet compared to my father's rough, snarly ones.

The grip on my hand tightens as I feel the grip behind my neck loosening up. The trees and the porch slowly starts to evaporate and the dazzling view of the surrounding carnival; the tiny specks of people, the distant city lights finally come in view.

I look towards my hand and see much smaller hands clinging to them.

Inayah has awe written all over her face as she sees the world down below.

Feeling my gaze on her, she looks at me and then her hand holding my hand. Her grip doesn't loosens up a bit.

And my chest burns. A good kind of burn that only feel around her.

She knew I was afraid of heights, she could have made fun of me at my vulnerable moment.

She could've called me weak just like my father does.

But she choose to comfort me at the moment. She choose to hold my shoulder and pretend that she is doing nothing.

But I know that she is doing something which no one else can.

She is making the imperfect things in my life perfect.

She is making me perfect. Perfect just for her.

Now that I look down the window a sense of serenity washes over me. High above the chaos and noise, I find the solace.

I found my solace in her.

Looking at the sky I see the night sky, adorned with countless stars which you can't just find in the pollution of Delhi. The stars seems to be sprinkling with star dust just for the moment.

I once used to love looking at the moon and the stars. Not anymore though.

Not anymore because now that I have my own personal heaven next to me.

Looking at the heaven herself, I see her eyes sparkling. Her face glows. Fucking glows. More than the moon.

For a fleeting moment, time seemed to suspend as I savour this peacefulness with her.

As the descent began, a bitter sweet feeling settles in me. The ride comes to an end, and I couldn't help but wish for it to last a little longer.

Because I know after this day I will not be afraid of heights or the feelings and memories that comes with it.

Because I know as soon she is with me, I will not be afraid of anything.

Because Despite the space between us, I've never felt this close to someone.

Because she is the new sickness in my head, she is the reason I'm not dead.

Because she is the new and the only weakness I have now.

Because she is the new and the only weakness I have now

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