"Yeah...what was that for?"

"Dramatic effect. Couldn't sleep?"


"Me too." He looked towards his bed, then back at me. I could almost feel goosebumps.

"Come on."

He led me through the dark room to the bed, then sat down, patting the space beside him. When I sat there, he pulled me to his chest. I closed my eyes when I felt his lips on my head.


How is this much better than the super soft bed in the guest room?

I nodded against his chest.

I could already feel the sleep coming.

I could feel myself...

Slipping into...YAWNNNNN


"Xavier?" I whispered again, barely able to keep my eye open.

"Yeah Butterfly?" He planted another kiss.

"I...I really like you too."

And I think that was the last thing I said that night.

I woke up in a peaceful state.

The sun was sneaking in through the small spaces in the blinds, falling directly on the bed. It was nice and relaxing...until the pounding headache arrived.

"Oh my God...why did I do that?" I groaned.

I hardly drink a lot, same for Vanessa. I don't know why or how we decided last night would be different.

Last night...all that happened last night flooded into my head like a...a huge tsunami.

Wait...so if I was with Xavier when I slept then...this is...


I looked around frantically. I thought he'd carry me back to the guest room or something, it's just steps away! Like he said! Why-

Oh... he's on the floor.

He's on the floor of his own room?!

I collapsed on the bed. The headache increased by the minute.


I froze, hearing the husky tone of his morning voice. His hot morning voice...

I was in a crawling position, when he sat up. Our eyes met, and I think he froze too. We just stared at each other, and it was like time paused for a moment. His eyes scanned me slowly, and I really wish I knew what he was thinking. Until his ears turned pink...

Then he kissed me.

But it only lasted a second before I pushed him, and he fell back to the fall with a THUD.


I didn't worry, because in a second his head popped back up, and he was grinning.

"Damn, drunk Amy is rubbing off on Butterfly." He mumbled. "let me guess, 'morning breath'?" I smiled, nodding. He pouted, then he stretched his arms out. "Hug?"

I basically jumped him, and we both fell on the floor again with another THUD.


"I have a headache now you know." I said, my voice muffled because my face was buried in his neck.

"I'll take care of you."

"You could've stopped me!"

"I tried! But you threatened to karate chop me if my hand came any closer to your drink."

"I did?"

"Yes, yes you did. At a point you ran away."

"Where...did you find me?"

"With Elijah."

I 'unburied' my face and burst out laughing. He frowned.

"You know what? I'm going to brush my teeth." He tried to get me to get off him, but I wasn't moving. "Hey! Don't you need anything for your headache?"

And on cue, I finally noticed I still had a headache, and it was hurting.

"Thanks a lot!" I placed a hand on my forehead, and got away from him, annoyed.

"Oops.. I'll be right back." He literally ran out of the room like it was an emergency. Well, it does feel like one.

In a second he was back. I swallowed the drug and drank a lot of water as he brushed his teeth. When he came out, his hair was wet.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Better." I mumbled. "But I'm tired."

"You should be, after attacking me like that."

"You asked for it."

He sighed. "I did, didn't I?"

I rubbed my temples, eyeing the text that just popped up on my phone. Four seconds ago to be exact. Xavier looked warily at me, but still concerned nonetheless.

"You...ok? Need anything else?"

I sighed. "No...I just got a text from Star."

I almost smiled cause of the way he perked up, getting a hundred times more interested. He left the kitchen counter and was by my side in a second, hands stretched out and everything.

Yes, we were cuddling on the couch.


"She said she wants to talk." I sighed. "Do you think it's too late for that?"

"Not really. It depends on if you want to talk to her. I think you should."

"Should I?"

"It is up to you."

"I don't want to. But I guess it's like Jason. I got to hear her out too."

"And if it doesn't go well, my arms will still be open for you." I smiled, I lifted my head and stared deep into his eyes.

"Thank you Xavier. For everything."

And in response, he smirked, then kissed me.

Aye y'all!
I still need to know what you think about the book. PLEASSSEE!! I need to know where to improve, you know? I'm still a beginner and maybe even a NOOB in this whole writting thing, but I love writting and I want to improve. I can't do that if I don't know where or how.

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying it so far, thanks SO MUCH for reading! 🖤


Totally Not ClicheNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ