September 2022 • Nola *

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*** A/N: Where Harry's POV focused a lot on the time leading up to them getting engaged, Nola's focuses quite a bit more on the aftermath. Be sure to read both perspectives of to get the full story.

>>>>>>>>>> Flashback to a few days after Pinnacle.

Harry and I reconnected at a level that I didn't know would ever be possible for us to do again. I'm not talking about the unexpected physical connection, but I'm talking about the feeling that he is back to being my person- MY Harry.

Spending the day with him at pinnacle was wonderful, but it was spending the day after that with him that really changed things for me. It's his constant thoughtfulness and his putting me first that makes me crave more time with him. Thankfully, Helen and Albert are happy to give me as much time as I need with him.

This morning I need to call Hope. She's been texting me asking how things are going. I know that I have a lot to catch her up on, but I needed to get through the last few days before I could talk with her.

----- FaceTime to Hope -----

"Bonjour, Nola!" Hope says as she answers clearly lounging on the couch at Andrews apartment.

"Hey, Andrew. Nice to see you again," I say to the fuzzy figure sitting at the table across the room.

"Nice to see you, as well," he says, standing up to come unto view. "I sense that I should let you two have this conversation privately?" He questions his adoring girlfriend, but it's me that asks him to stay.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind having another perspective on this because not many people know that I dated Harry Styles and even fewer know that I saw him over the last couple days." I have grown to trust Andrew immensely. His line of work proves that he has the ability to not only keep things between the two of us, but he has the awareness of what happens if he doesn't. The fact that he knows that he would be out a girlfriend if he says anything doesn't hurt either.

"So, have you been shacked up with him?" Hope asks and Andrew comments about Olivia.

"Keep up, babe. He is done with Olivia, but they have a movie coming out."

"Ahhhh," he says, shaking his head. Andrew is in PR, so he knows the unfortunate realities of a well timed relationship end-date when the couple has a joint project coming out.

"So..." she asks, getting really close the the phone so I can see her give a suggestive eyebrow raise.

"So... we went to Pinnacle."

"Shut up! You showed him the house? What did he think?"

"He had no clue. He was shocked when I pulled out the code and opened the front door. Obviously, I had to fill them in on the whole process. Then, I gave him a tour inside and then I gave them a tour of outside and then we had sex in the pond." I say the last part kind of hoping that she'll just let me blip over that detail. Then again, that detail is probably what I need the most advice about.


"I believe she did," Andrew says with a smirk, becoming fully invested in the conversation.

"I did. Yes, we did."

"Oh, my god, Nola. You seriously can't keep your pants on around this man!"

"Are you honestly blaming me?" I ask her and she laughs.

"Did you at least use protection?" My non answer is not the one she was looking for. "Jesus, Nola. Have you learned NOTHING?!" She is now nearly screaming. I decide to let her get her little flip out over before I tell her that Harry's personal doctor already solved that problem a few days ago.

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