11-Lull (Unnamed AU)

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Green nodded. "Sabre, uh, asked where Rainbow was."

A few winces happened. Light nodded sadly.

"Was there anything else odd?" Violet asked. "Perhaps his memory is just scrambled, not lost, making things out of order."

Yell raised his hand. "Before I convinced him to stay while I got help, he asked where the town was."

Green frowned. "Town? What town?"

"He didn't say the name. I'm assuming that's where he believes his friends were. Oh!" Yell perked up. "Does the name 'Alex' sound familiar?"

Light frowned. That wasn't a name he was familiar with, and no one else knew it either. Another confusing piece to the puzzle.

Indigo cleared his throat. "I don't know Sabre as well as some of you, but has anything of his past been said? Maybe this Alex is someone from his past, and like Violet suggested, his memory is just mixed up."

Light paused. What did he know of Sabre's past? "Maybe Time will know?" Light offered. "Sabre is closer to Time than all of us. Especially after Rainbow..."

Knocking on the door made them all look. "Come in!" Light called.

A Colorless Guard popped the door open and stood there. "Sirs," I was informed to tell you Sabre has awoken, yet seems delirious due to his fever."

Green gave a strangled sound. "That quickly?" He mumbled to himself, before he nodded at the guard. "Thank you. I will be right there."

The guard nodded, slipping out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

Green wiped his hands on his pants. "Well, I'm going to make sure everything is okay. Light, I'm assuming you are coming?"

Light nodded.

— —

Light jolted awake, blinking at the unfamiliar room before he remembered where he was. Green Leader's spare bedroom, which was currently housing an asleep Sabre.

The only signs of life from Sabre were his quiet puffs of air as he breathed, along with the occasional bouts of being awake he had, before being dragged back to sleep by his own body.

He was curled slightly on his side, with only a thin sheet over him, which was currently in a death grip Sabre had as he slept. Even with it being dark, Light could see a thin sheen of sweat.

Seems like the fever has yet to break. Probably should put another cold rag on him. Sabre already has something wrong with his head, he doesn't need his brain fried by a fever.

Light groaned, stretching his arms out above his head. Origin, he was sore. Downsides to sleeping in a chair he supposed. At least Green told him to take off his armor before he settled down. He didn't mean to fall asleep watching Sabre, but he couldn't just leave Sabre alone.

Light glanced at the window, the curtains drawn shut, yet through the crack showed it was still definitely night. Unless something awoke him, he never wakes up during the night, so what...

A small whine filled the air, drawing his attention to Sabre. His blindfold was off, since they needed to make sure his pupils' reflexes were still okay during his checkup. With it off, it allowed Light to see that his eyes were shut tightly as his face scrunched up.

"Sabre?" He mumbled softly.

Sabre let out another whine, mumbling something under his breath. "....no...Rain! ...laxy!"

Light winced. Ah, nightmare. "Sabre!" He whisper-yelled as he lightly shook his shoulder. "Sabre!"

Sabre's tense body relaxed suddenly, as he slowly blinked his eyes open , his gaze cloudy with confusion. "'Ight?" He mumbled.

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