Part 2

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They walk quickly from the alcove back to the elevator where they kiss up to the fifth-floor suites. With all of his band members and staff residing on the top floor, he holds her hand down the hall to his room.

She holds onto his arm with her free hand, burying her face in his shoulder just to be as close to him as possible. And to hide her smile. Had she ever been this happy?

When they enter, he stops and turns to her. "Close your eyes," he says, kissing her hand, "Stay here just for two minutes. I'll come right back."

She does as he commands but he doesn't move and she opens her eyes. He leans in for a quick peck. "You're so cute."

She laughs.

"OK eyes closed," he says and then turns to leave for real.

While he's gone, she can't help but peek. He's turning on some low lighting and she hears music begin playing. When she hears him coming back, she squeezes her eyes shut.

She yells when she's suddenly swept up bridal style in his arms.

"What is this?!" she says, putting her arms around his neck.

"I've always wanted to do this," he says with a dimpled mischievous grin.

She laughs and kisses into his neck. "You're so cute."

He carries her from the entryway into the main room and then gently sets her down when her attention is on the spacious room.

"Wow, this room is amazing," she says looking around.

She takes in the room. Modern, but warm and cozy. The wall of windows, with a lit fireplace as the centerpiece, is what catches her attention most. She walks to look out the window. The empty, lit ski slopes are in full view. It's an incredible view.

She can't believe she was skiing on those slopes just days ago and didn't know Jungkook even existed and now here she is in his room. Life can indeed change quickly.

"Gorgeous," she says.

He wraps himself around her from behind and says, "Yes, you are," into her neck.

She realizes his arms are bare and she turns to see he has removed his sweater and is now in a black tank and chain. If he was attractive in that sweater, he is downright sexy now.

"Your sweater," she says, running her hands up his arms, taking in his full-sleeve tattoo. It's incredible and she wants to know every detail about every one.

"It's so hot in here with the fire and I don't usually wear sweaters like that."

"It was amazing on you," she said taking in his toned body is more evident through the thin fabric. "But it's also amazing off of you," she says, her eyes fluttering to his gaze that's already on her.

She has ignited something in him and he covers her mouth with his, lifting her off the ground. She matches his fervor and wraps her legs around his tiny waist.

His hands hold her thighs as he walks them to the couch. He sits and she positions herself on top of him.

Their kissing doesn't stop and now on top of him, she can feel his response to her. She loves knowing the effect she has had on him. She can't help but move against him. He groans and then kisses down her neck, moving his hands to her hips and follows them as she moves against him.

His hands then disappear under the hem of her sweater. She loves the feel of his warm hands moving on her skin. His hands move to her back to release her bra strap and follows the path of it to the front.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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