So You Do See Me As A Friend?

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Synopsis: Tensions are high between the Ryusoulgers as they fail to defeat a Druidon time and time again. One day, Koh has enough and runs off to deal with things himself since no one is listening. Things end up going downhill from there for him.


The mood was tense. The Ryusoulgers had just returned from a failed attempt to get rid of a Druidon that had recently popped up. No one knew the name or really anything about this Druidon. All they knew was that they should get rid of it as soon as possible.

This Druidon at least didn't seem to have much of an interest in using minosaurs at all. It prefered to be the one doing all of the hard work. That did make things a bit easier for them all to deal with.

However, tensions still became high. They had launched multiple failed attacks on this Druidon. Nobody could agree on what they should do to proceed with things. They all had different suggestions about what might work on this enemy.

As it stood, everyone was bickering about what to try next. Certain people were not being listened to anymore due to their first ideas failing. It was causing more issues. They were not working as a group like they should be.

"This is getting nowhere." Koh complained, bringing everything to silence for a moment.

"Because no one can agree who is right here." Melto commented. "It should be obvious we should listen to whoever has had most success with their attacks."

"Just because some attacks were better than others doesn't mean they know how to defeat the Druidon more!" Asuna argued.

And then it descended right back to where they had been. No one wanted to go with anyone else's plan. They wanted their plan to be the one they did next.

"Shut up!" Koh snapped again. "This is pointless if we're all just going to argue!"

Koh was not part of the conversation much anymore. No one wanted to listen to him at all. Sure, his initial plan had gotten them nowhere, but now he knew more about the enemy. They all knew more about the enemy.

"Koh..." The one who whispered his name was Towa. The younger boy seemed the most distressed by the arguing. That was part of why Koh had snapped. They were starting to make their own friends upset with this.

"I'm going to do things alone if you all can't come to an agreement." Koh growled.

He stood up from his seat and stormed out of the house.

"Koh!" Towa got up and rushed after him.

Everyone else looked at each other for a while. There was a lot of disbelief in everyone's faces. How had things gotten to this point?

"We should go after them before something bad happens." Melto was the first to speak again.

Everyone agreed with what he said. They all went searching for where the two boys had gotten to. Hopefully they hadn't met the Druidon and were just wandering around the place.

After a few minutes of searching to no avail, a scream pierced through the air. Everyone froze at the sudden noise.

"That sounded like Koh..." Canalo said quietly.

"Let's go!"

The four of them ran toward the direction the noise had come from. It wasn't far before they reached the scene.

Koh was fighting the Druidon. Towa was kneeling on the ground, noticeably wounded. Everyone was standing still. It was only for a brief moment, but that moment was enough for worse things to happen.

An Unbreakable BondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon