A Silent Knight's Cry

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Synopsis: It had been just the two of them for so long that when they began to interact with other people again, Towa completely forgot just how isolating it was to be unable to hear.


For the longest time, it had always just been the two of them. They hardly ever interacted with people. They kept to themselves.

So when suddenly they decided to go check out the other Ryusoulgers, things went to hell very fast. At least, for Towa it did. He had gotten so used to only the company of his brother that he forget that other people just... did not know.

They didn't know how to communicate with him. Because he was deaf. And so suddenly he was thrust into a world where he was alone. Unable to understand anything at all. And it sucked.

When Bamba had suggested they go check out the Ryusoulgers since they were nearby, Towa had agreed without a second thought. It was only after he entered the battle that he realized the issue. He couldn't hear. If they were saying anything to him, he'd never know.

Towa didn't necessarily care if he came off as rude to them. They weren't friends. They were just in the way of him and his brother. They didn't deserve to be Ryusoulgers if that was how weak they were. But... what if they approached him alone? What if they looked down on him for not being able to hear?

While they were walking behind the other Ryusoulgers, Towa got Bamba's attention to ask.

"Nii-san, what do I do if they want to talk to me?" Towa questioned. "I can't understand them and they won't understand me."

Bamba shrugged off his worry. "Who cares? We don't need to interact with them. I'll do any talking that needs to be done and tell you what they said later, okay?"

Towa nodded. He didn't like that but it was the best they could do. He hated this new situation. It had been so long since he had to deal with people who didn't understand him.

When they got to the house, Towa had opted to occupy himself by playing around with all the different items out on display. He kept an eye on Bamba, watching to see if he ended up talking to the others.

Once he had freed the red one from the stone, he did start talking. Towa had no idea what they were saying. He had never liked trying to read lips before. He was able to at least piece together that Bamba introduced the two of them to the others.

Towa watched in interest. How was Bamba going to explain to them that he couldn't talk to them?

Red decided to start excitedly talking to them, even going and grabbing Towa and shaking him. Towa was very confused. What was he talking about? He brushed past Red and walked over to Bamba. Bamba shrugged at him.

The other two started talking as well. Towa was overwhelmed. Suddenly not understanding anyone was frustrating. He hated this feeling. Hated feeling so helpless.

Whatever they had said prompted Bamba to walk over to the girl on the couch. The one who the minosaur came from. Ah. He was getting rid of the minosaur then.

Except, Red stopped him. Towa wished he knew their names now. Oh well. Looks like he didn't want Bamba to kill the girl. The two were talking. Towa couldn't help but wonder what they were saying.

Bamba gave up trying to kill the girl at Red's defiance. He huffed and then walked away, motioning for Towa to follow. Towa glanced back at the others before he joined him brother.

Once they were away, Towa began asking questions.

"What are their names?" He started with.

"Red is Koh. Blue is Melto. Pink is Asuna." Bamba replied. "They really think they can kill the minosaur."

An Unbreakable BondOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora