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Time skip four months August 28
I get up early since grant is going golfing with the arrow cast and some of the flash cast I'm going out for brunch with Robbie.
I have been feeling weird all morning but I think it might be Braxton hicks which I have had pretty much all these days getting closer
Grant runs down the steps
"You feeling okay babe you want me to stay home"he asks
"I'm okay grant I'll be with Robbie I'll call you if I need anything"I say
"Alright if you say so nat"he says
I hear a honk letting me know Robbie is here we walk outside grant kisses me going to his car I get in Robbie mustang
"Where do you want to go eat"he asks
"Whatever diner is closer"I say
"Alright"he says driving to the diner as he drives the Braxton hicks gets worse which jacked me think to the fact that I'm pretty sure my water broke
Robbie pulls into the diner he goes to open the door but I reach over grabbing his arm
"Nat what"he starts
"I think I'm in labor"I say
He sits back down
"What"he says freaking out
"Well I thought it was this fake out contractions but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure my water broke"I say
"Shouldn't you know"he says running his hand through his hair causing brunette spikes
"Yeah but like I said I didn't think about it till now and it hurts"I say
He takes out his phone calling Italia but she doesn't answer and he hits it to call grant but he doesn't answer
"Italia is probably busy at work and grant probably doesn't have service"I say
He starts to freak out and some how I'm the clearheaded one in the situation
"Robbie I know this is awkward for both of us and I would rather be doing this with grant but focus cause it's me and you"I say
He nods pulling out and driving to the hospital
I'm to distracted by the pain to even notice when we get there we get inside and I tune out whatever Robbie says then the nurse takes me to a room
I'm in the bed as Robbie paces back and forth
"Robbie I'm fine your gonna make a hole in the floor"I say slightly laughing
"Not funny nat"he says
The door opens and grant walks in with a worried look
"Oh thank god your here"he says
"Yeah Italia is too"grant says Robbie walks out as grant walks over
"How you feeling"he asks
"I feel..."I get cut off by pain I squeeze grants hand hard as the doctor come in telling me it's time to push
After I finally deliver the baby
The doctor hands her to me i look up to grant they give us the birth certificate as grant writes her name Italia and Robbie come in
"Meet your little niece"I say as grant hands her to Robbie
"She is so cute what's her name"Italia asks
"Meet Lorelai Leigh gustin"I say
The both coo over her
If someone were to have told me 5 years ago this would be my life I don't think I would have beloved them but I'm happy this is how it turned out.

Tune in to see grant and Nats  life continue on in forever and always

The way I love you-grant gustinWhere stories live. Discover now