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We get up early for our flight I put on comfortable clothes I grab my suitcase grant does the same. We all go down the steps to the rental car
"I wanted to do more things"Robbie says
"Yeah me too but in her defense did you tell her we were going to Tahoe"I ask grant pulls out of the driveway
"No I forgot"he says
"I did too but Stephen knew"I say
"Yeah but it's Stephen he probably forgot to say anything"Italia says
"True"I say
We get to the airport
And go to our gate to get on the flight we all sit next to each other on the flight
"So you excited to see my grandma again"I ask
"I don't really know I guess"he says
"Yeah I don't really wanna see her either"I say
He laughs I fall asleep throughout the flight we land we get off the plane grabbing our bags and heading home Robbie and Italia are going to ours because it's stupid to drive so far to come back
We get to the house
"Alright two bathrooms so girls first guys after"I say
"Hey wait"Robbie says
"We take longer to get ready it takes you guys three seconds"Italia says
I laugh as we walk to the bathrooms I run up to my room going into the master bathroom I go into the shower washing my hair and body yeh shower curtain opens behind me as grant gets in
"Umm excuse you"I say joking
"Thought it would be a faster and easier way to save water"he says
"Yeah okay I'm done anyway"I say
Getting out I put on a little bit of makeup and put in my piercings

 We all go down the steps to the rental car "I wanted to do more things"Robbie says "Yeah me too but in her defense did you tell her we were going to Tahoe"I ask  grant pulls out of the driveway "No I forgot"he says "I did too but Stephen knew"I s...

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I run down the steps putting on my shoes everyone else is ready I grab my bag and we get into the car
"so how do you think tonight's gonna go"Italia asks
"Umm grandma is going to say something nat and Stephen are going to say something back and the. Her and Stephen are gonna both get up and leave"Robbie says
"Oh come on I am not gonna flip out"I say
"Really wanna make a bet"he says
"Don't bet"grant says keeping his eyes on the road
"Fine if I win since your gonna be in Vancouver you'll buy my Starbucks for a month"I say
"Fine if I win you fix the stuff on my car and whenever I need you too wash it"he says
"Fine deal"i say we pull into the drive way
We get out of the car I grab grants hand walking in
"Hey mom"I say hugging her
"Nat when did you dye your hair"she asks
"A month ago in Mexico"i say
She nods looking at my tattoo Stephen walks on wrapping an arm on my shoulder
"Come on nat your coming to the living room"he says I grab grants hand pulling him
We walk into the living room to see our grandma and our aunt Mila our cousin mason and Juliet
Cass and mavi are sitting watching something on her phone
"Hey guys"I say walking in
"Oh nat Italia"Cassandra says jumping up from the couch
She gives us both hugs
"Let me see your ring"she says I stick out my hand showing her
"Nat Stephen I need you two in here"my mom and aunt call
"Did you guys get in trouble already"robbie says joking around
"You to Robert"my dad says I laugh as we walk into the kitchen
"You guys have to promise to be kind and not get mad and flip out especially you tow"my mom says looking at me and Stephen so does my aunt
"I'm not priming to bite my tongue if she says anything"I say
"Yes then and only then can you say something in return but don't start anything"my dad says
"I never do"I say spinning on my heels to walk out
"Not so fast young lady"my aunt says
I turn around slowly
"Let me see your ring"she says
I stick my hand out showing it to her i notice Robbie doesn't have his band on still probably still trying to hide it
We walk back to the living room
I sit next to grant on the couch
"Mavi come here"I say
She comes to sit on my lap
"I love your hair"she says playing with it
"Thank you"I say
She moves to my tattoo tracing over the flash symbol with her finger
"Have you seen max"I ask
"Yeah he is upstairs in uncle Robbie's old room along with Nora and Jett"she says I nod
Everybody talks mason and Juliet look miserable like me and Robbie they are twins but are younger than us and almost done with college
"So how's cheer"I ask Juliet
"It's good I like it"she says
I nod Robbie started talking to mason
Italia walks over
"What did your mom say"she says sitting on the ottoman infront of us
"She basically told me and Stephen not to get mad and freak out unless we really had too and then she had us leave so they could talk to Robbie"I say
She nods
"Let's eat guys"my aunt Sandra says we all sit at the dining room table
We grab the food
"So nat you got another tattoo"my grandma asks
"Yeah I did"I say
She doesn't say anything and goes back to eating me and Stephen give each other another strange look like something up
"So Robbie I heard you eloped well not me but your cousins have seen it everywhere"she starts
That's why she didn't say anything more to me about the tattoo she was waiting to pounce on Robbie
"Well"he starts
"I find it wrong not getting married normally like what now you are going to do another one to tell people what they already know"she says
"Well you see I actually"Robbie starts but gets cut off
"I just don't see the point or what the rush was to get married you didn't invite family or even say anything you could have had a small ceremony"she says Robbie stops trying to talk which this is most likely the reason he didn't wear the ring and then she says something that is the straw that broke the camels back
"Well you clearly only care about your sister and cousin you don't care about your other famliy"she says
Me and Stephen both stand up Robbie looks at both of us
"That's not fair you know what he shouldn't have had to tell anyone it's his business you don't know why they did it"Stephen says
"And robbie is a grown ass man he can make his own decisions and where did you see that in instagram how do you know that it's true or not"I say
"Yeah exactly"Stephen says
"All I'm saying is o think it's wrong for him not to tell anyone and by your reaction I can see who Robbie famliy is we are pushed to the side"she says
"That's not fair you know why because Robbie's famliy is the people who care about him and area with him every step of the way"I say
"Well it's a bit soon for him to get married isn't it they have only just met"she says
"No they have known eachother since me and Italia became best friend almost 15 something years ago they have been daiting for 8"I say
"Yeah well you see"she starts
"I don't care honestly it was his decision and whatever he did no one but him and Italia were affected by it so leave it"I say
She stops talking Robbie looks at me almost smirking and trying not to laugh
"Thank you for dinner mom but I need to go"I say
I look at Robbie before he can say anything
"I know the car for a month"I say he smiles getting up tossing me the keys him and Italia follow us to the kitchen I run up to grab the dogs and walk back down we get into the car
Robbie and Italia are staying with us
"So you good nat"grant asks
"Yeah I'm okay why do you ask"I say
"Well you and Stephen just flipped out at your grandma"Italia says
"She will get over it"I say
"Stephen probably already left before he could hear her say something else and mom and dad probably aren't happy"Robbie says
"Agian I'm sure they will love I don't think they will care they only talked to us so we wouldn't make a big deal"I say
We get home I run up to my room and Robbie and Italia stay in the guest room I change into pj
Laying on the bed grant does the same
"Night love you"I say
"Love you too"he says falling asleep

The way I love you-grant gustinWhere stories live. Discover now