Ingressus was caught from his Stepfather but also Achillean was to Chapter 61.

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Ingressus was still fallowing her while Achillean was fallowing Ingressus. However back at Nestoria Ageus woke up and saw that Ingressus left even Achillean. He was mad about that, and he set out to find them. INGRESSUS ACHILLEAN WHERE ARE YOU TWO?!! Aegus yelled as he was at the border of Northwind however he was being followed by his wife serena. But he was also shocked of a human on the ground dead. What happened to the human? He said to himself. He also saw burnt marks and some weapon marks as well. Then he remembered his great grandmother's staff. Because the weapon marks are big, and her staff is big. She must have destroyed him. He said to himself. But back at the second camp she saw that some of the body's where her other family's body's. She put her hand up again. RISE MY FAMILY OF THE SENDARIS AND KALTARIS ALSO MENDORIS FOR YOU ALL SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE!!! She yelled as the Sendaris and Kaltaris as well as the Mendoris came back, and their markings came back as blue green and purple even the one who was in the cave that tried to kill Ingressus. Grandmother are you shore you want to bring them back I mean they killed my family. Daryus asked Queen gabby, but she turned around and put her hand on him. I know that they killed your family but don't forget that I'm making peace between the clans. She said as they came to her. Who are you? A Kaltaris asked her. I am your great great grandmother. Queen gabby said as they were shocked. Ok? He said. Go to your parents tell them to meet at the place you guys did a tournament. She said as they nodded. Ok. The Kaltaris said as they all left. I thought I also had them as well. Ingressus said to himself. I guess she also got them as well. Ingressus said to himself. As he was wondering, she goes to the Voltaris body's as she raised her hand again. RISE VOLTARIS FOR YOU NOW HAVE ETERNAL LIFE!!!! She said as they all came back, and their red markings came back. As they did, they saw their mother and grandparents. Spyra ran to them, and they ran to her, and they hugged each other. Mother. They all said as they cried red tears. Children. She said as she cried and turned to her great grandmother and hugged her. Thank you for bringing my children back. Spyra said as she lets go. You're welcome. Queen gabby said. But what about dominus. Spyra asked her. I will resurrect him. She said as she went to the cave.

 She said as she went to the cave

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The Characters that are talking

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The Characters that are talking.

The Characters that are talking

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Aegus Nestoris.

Unknown Kaltaris

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Unknown Kaltaris.

The red ones as the voltaris

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The red ones as the voltaris.

The red ones as the voltaris

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Daryus Voltaris.

Daryus Voltaris

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Queen gabby with her staff

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Queen gabby with her staff.

Queen gabby with her staff

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Spyra Voltaris.

Achillean and Ingressus also Queen gabbyWhere stories live. Discover now