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 "New beginnings

are often disguised
as painful endings."
- Lao Tzu

[Drake's P.O.V]

"Mr. Drake, it's a surprise that you're late," Mrs. Andersen's stern voice echoed in my ears as I entered her class, a good 20 minutes after it had started.

God, this was the fourth time I had been late to her class.

"Yeah, it's a surprise, isn't it?" I scratched the back of my head, releasing a nervous laugh.

I was screwed. Totally screwed. Detention was inevitable. Though it wasn't my first time in detention, it was still a waste of time.

"This was your fifth time being late-" Mrs. Andersen began.

I raised my right hand to level with my head. "It's only the fourth time, ma'am."

I knew I shouldn't speak back, but sometimes it was necessary to defend yourself, right?

Mrs. Andersen slapped the one-meter-long stick she was holding onto the table in front of her, and I slowly lowered my hand.

"Now, care to explain why you're late?" Mrs. Andersen questioned, her gaze piercing into my eyes. "And don't tell me it's because of the traffic."

Great, I was about to say that.

But before I could come up with an excuse like my cat locking himself in the bathroom and being unable to get out (which had actually happened once, don't ask me why my cat loved hanging out in the bathroom), someone knocked on the door, distracting my teacher.

"Come in," Mrs. Andersen answered.

The door slowly opened, and in walked a gorgeous-looking boy. The girls in the class started squealing as if he were some K-pop artist visiting town.

But, nah, I was definitely hotter.

He was wearing black baggy pants paired with an oversized black shirt and black shoes.

I wondered what his favorite color was.

Even though I couldn't see his body, I could tell he was fit from the way his shirt moved around his chest. Oh, and he only had the right strap of his bag slung over his shoulder, like the cool kids at school.

I hated that!

What was the purpose of having two straps on your bag if you only used one? And it was so unfair that one shoulder had to bear all the weight.

No fairness at all.

"Is this Grade 11 Archimedes?" he asked, closing the door behind him without turning his back to the teacher.

Was he just being polite or a total suck-up?

"Are you Mr. Mellow?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He smiled, revealing his pearly teeth that made his hazel blue eyes sparkle. "Mr. Wise, you may now sit," I nodded. "And detention after class."

I knew she wouldn't forget.

I mentally rolled my eyes and looked at the new guy, who was also looking at me. I quickly averted my gaze to the side and continued to my seat.

A TALE OF LOVE: To Face The Society Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon