Y3 Chapter 9

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"And the players lift off!" Lee yelled through the microphone. "This is the first game of the season folks, you won't want to miss this!"  The crowd screamed and cheered as the players sped over them. Today was Gryffindor's against Hufflepuff's and we were deterined to win the cup.

"GO HARRY!!! BEAT THOSE WEAK PUFFS! WOOO!" Ron yelled reaching over the fence, shaking his red and gold umbrella. 

"Stop it, Ron, you're getting rain everywhere." Hermione shifted her umbrella. Little water droplets slid off the side and plopped onto the floor. 

"YOU GOT THIS HARRY! I BELIEVE IN YOUU!!" I jumped up and down, almost knocking into her.

"Not you too..." She rolled her eyes as I hyped Harry up with the other Gryffindor boys. Thunder rumbled in the distance and the rain started to pour heavier. Thank Merlin Harry can see through this rain. I could barely see through the thick downpour. Hagrid's head was moving with his binoculars to closely see the players. 

"C'mon 'mione, I think the rains going to end anytime soon. You know the weather."  Ron assured.

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"Anytime soon?"  Hermione crossed her arms, while it was STILL raining. The Gryffindor's were winning 700-650. Harry rested near our stand to carefully look for the tiny golden snitch. He tensed his shoulders and gave a quick warm breath to his hands.

"Hermione, what's the warming spell again?" I asked her, taking out my wand. 


"You know, the one where it makes you warm in the inside." 

"Er... Calidarius? That one?" 

"Yes! Thanks" I turned towards Harry and squinted to aim my wand at him. "Calidarius!" Instantly, I could see his skin turn pink as the spell spread through him. He looked around in confusion until he saw me. 

"Was that you?" He mouthed. I nodded in response. He smiled and turned his head to the other side to hide it. Now I'm the one whose feeling warm. He turned to face me again, but his facial expression changed when he saw me. It was confusion and terror at the same time. But, right after, his eye glanced away to see the golden snitch flying towards the sky. He zoomed up on his broom and into the clouds. Hufflepuff's seeker followed right after him.  All there was to do now is wait. 5 minutes passed by when it started to.....snow? Little flakes of snow fell gently from the sky and gracfully landed on Hagrid's beard. It was pretty cold, but not THAT cold. 

"Seems like we're having a little flurry today... In the beginning of November." Lee spoke, his voice echoeing the stadium. "What is that?" The crowd turned to where Lee pointed to. I turned my head to the side to figure out what it was. What the...

"BLOODY HELL! That's Harry Potter!" Lee's voice boomed. Blood roared in my ears. I could hear my heart pounding against my chest. He was falling at such a high rate, he was going to hit the ground before anyone did anything.

"Disseptum, Use the spell Disseptum!" Without even knowing who whispered in my ear, I yelled.


It was as if the whole world went in slow motion. Was this even a real spell? What if it didn't work?  What if I failed?

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"Why does he look like that?" Ron peered at Harry's face just like the rest of us. Harry's eyes were closed, but his skin was as pale as the snow earlier. 

"Let's see what you look like-" "-when we shove you off the Astronomy tower"George and Fred shot back. 

"He's waking up!" Seamus exclaimed. Harry's eyelashes fluttered open. 

"Harry?" I leaned on his cot. His green eyes stared back at mine. 

"Hey," he croaked. "What happened?"

"Y-you, um, fell" I struggled. Hermione and Ron exchanged a worried glance. 

"Dementors. They came onto the field and attacked you. " Ron explained. "Those damned dementors."  Everyone was silent. 

"Did we win?" Harry sat up on his bed. Of course he's asking that.

"No. Cedric, the Hufflepuff seeker, caught the snitch right after you got knocked off of your broom. He wanted a rematch, but they won. Fair and square." Ron looked at his shoes. 

"Is Oliver doing ok?" Harry asked playing with the sheets.

"He's still in the shower." Fred replied. "We think he's trying to drown himself." It wasn't hard to imagine Oliver crying and letting the water drown his sadness. After we showed the remaining bits and peices of Harry's Nimbus 2000, Madame Pompfery kicked us out of the infirmery. Ron decided to nap at the common room while Hermione and I visited the library. It was one of the best places to think and calm down.  I picked an interesting looking book. But I was stuck on page 2. There were words, but I couldn't peice them together into reasonable sentences. 

"Y/n?" Sam. 

"What?" I snapped frustrated by the useless book. This is the fist time he's ever talking to me in school, I should be happy. 

"What spell did you use when saving Harry?" he sat on the plush chair next from me. 

"Those are your first words to me since you got here." I always hated when he avoided me. It was the first time he did, I got hurt. Now, I just ignore him back. 

"I told you already, Draco doesn't like when I go near you guys." He looked over his shoulder as if Malfoy was going to pop out of nowhere and take him to the Slytherin gutter they call home. 

"Just because you have a crush on Dra-" I started. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I COULDN'T REALLY HEAR YOU!" Heads turned as Sam and I made a ruckus. 

"Ok, ok, jeez. I won't mention him again." I huffed and crossed my arms. 

"You don't realize how serious this is." Sam was on the verge of real panic.

"If I didn't see the seriousness of this I would've marched right up to him and told him your little secret, so yeah" I started pretending to read my book.

"I trust you the most you know?" He nudged my shoulder. Comforting silence filled the gap between us. 

"About that spell..." I flipped severel pages of the book. Just lie even though he told you that he trusts you the most. "Hermione mentioned it a while back and I just remembered." 

"Oh. Okay. Well, stay warm. The tempuratures tonight are too low to exist." He said scruffing my hair. I watched him walk away as I stood up to put my book back. I heaved a sigh. I'm sorry for lying to you. 

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