Extra 1: The Outcast Toy Club (English)

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It was a beautiful day out there, the butterflies were flying through the gardens, the flowers highlighted their beautiful color and aroma, there was a light breeze of air that elegantly moved the grass in the garden, a beautiful day...But not for Ann, who was looking out the window, to sigh and return inside Marcella's room

Ann sat on the bed next to Andy and the Camel, Andy was reading a newspaper that was bigger than him, while the Camel was lying down unwilling to do anything

–Marcella has gone to Amelia's house with the rest of the toys, and we have the house to ourselves...– Ann said discouraged, they had not gone to Amelia's house with the rest of the toys since they had been washed in the washing machine and clothes

Andy removed the newspaper from his face, just as discouraged as Ann –But we've already done everything that can be done, and we've played the same games at least 4 times...– Andy said discouraged, without looking at the cards games that were on the bed

–Also, it's only 9 in the morning, and Marcella returns with Amelia at 3 in the afternoon... – said the Camel just as discouraged, looking at the clock in Marcella's room, barely 30 minutes had passed since that Marcella left –With the beautiful day it is...–

Ann, Andy and the Camel sighed at the same time, bored not knowing what else to do when they had already done everything (and in 30 minutes)

–Wait a second– Ann thought –"With the beautiful day it is"...–

Ann's face lit up, as she had an idea, Andy and the Camel realized this –I got it!– Ann said, bumping her fist against her hand

–What has occurred to you, Annie?– Andy asked, curiosity had made his boredom disappear, the same thing happened with the Camel, who looked curiously at Ann

Ann stood between Andy and the Camel, hugging each of their necks with one arm –Guys, our day is going to have a twist...Because we're going to the outside world to have an adventure!–

–What!?– said Andy and the Camel surprised at the same time, that was surprising about Ann, she loved spending time with the toys in Marcella's room, plus she only suggested going out when there was a toy in danger (for example, Babette or Wormy). They both might have expected that proposal from another toy, but never from Ann

–Ann, haven't you told us many times that we shouldn't go outside? Based on the last experience we had, I don't think it's a good idea... – Andy asked, wanting to clarify his doubts, Ann had always told everyone not to leave the room so as not to worry their owner (and her). That last experience they had was when they went out to rescue Wormy from Pineight, everything ended well, but let's say that it's not like they had a very good time there...

Ann put her hand on Andy's shoulder –Andy, come on, it won't be for long, it'll just be a little adventure. Besides, I promise you that I'll always be there for you, so nothing bad is going to happen– Ann said warmly, a time away to have a little adventure wouldn't hurt anyone, right?... right?

Andy smiled, convinced that a little time outside wouldn't be that bad –Okay– Andy said, nodding his head

The Camel, now looking more cheerful, put his head between Ann and Andy –Come on! Ride between my humps! We have an adventure to live!– exclaimed the Camel, excited with the idea of ​​having an adventure

Ann and Andy laughed before mounting between the Camel's humps and heading towards the exit of Marcella's room –Adventure! Adventure! Adventure!– Ann and Andy shouted excitedly, raising and lowering their arms and excited to go outside

Raggedy Ann & Andy: El festival hay que salvar! (Español + English)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora