Chapter 1: Exciting news (English)

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It was a quiet day, a fine spring afternoon. Marcella was on her Easter vacation, the sun was shining, there was a cool breeze, and Marcella was having a picnic in her garden with her dolls; an exclusive picnic for girls! So it was a relief for Andy to be with the boys for a while

He was near the window watching as his owner had her picnic with Ann and the rest of the girly toys, leaning back between the two humps of the blue camel that was sleeping and with his arms behind his neck while crossing his legs; he liked to strike that pose when he was relaxed

He let out a sigh of relief -Finally, just me, the boys, without any girls with us, and relaxed...- he looked at the window again: Ann had a leaf in her nose and seemed to want to sneeze, Andy found it funny

Andy thought that ever since Captain Contagious had been given to that sick boy in the hospital, things had been going pretty well for everyone...Ann and Babette especially, they seemed to be getting closer to each other...even something more

While he continued to look out the window, he saw how Marcella's parents began to talk to her, he couldn't hear anything since the window was closed; In addition, Ann took the opportunity to sneeze and remove the leaf from her nose, luckily no human saw her. At the end of that conversation, Marcella seemed quite excited, but Andy thought it had to do with her owner's girly things, so he let it go to continue his relaxing moment

A couple of minutes later, Marcella quickly went into her room to leave the toys that she had taken to her picnic, the tablecloth and plastic cutlery that she used in it, on the bed and left quickly. When she closed the door, the toys began to move. Ann went to the window to go with her brother

–Hi, Ann– Andy greeted, taking off his head between the humps of the camel, who had just woken up and was a little groggy, and dangling his feet over the edge of the window. He saw how Ann got on the stool that Marcella had and thus climbed to the window, Andy took her hand to help her and that she also sat dangling her legs -How did that girly picnic go?- he joked, it was already something typical of him making fun of everything he considered girls stuff

Ann giggled with that typical joke of her brother, that always made her laugh –Well yes, it's been very good!– she said happily as she swung her legs at the same time as Andy in perfect sync, as if they were both still little children –And besides, Marcella's parents have exciting news!–

With that sentence, the attention of all the toys was fixed on Ann, they were curious and excited to know what that news was 

–Are we going back to grandma's house?– asked Grandpa raising his hand, almost getting up from his chair

To keep you in context, the toys liked to be at Marcella's grandmother's house, since most of the time their owner was with her grandmother and the toys could rest a little. In addition, the grandmother always made sure that they did not have any damage or any unstitched part, she was always very kind with them playing along with her granddaughter. Also because they always felt comfortable with the old but relaxing atmosphere of the house

In other words, for them it was heaven itself

–She said news, not a miracle!– Andy joked again, making everyone laugh, and in the process getting a joking little nudge from Ann –Seriously, Ann, what's the news?–

Ann was silent for a second as she clenched her fists, as if she were absorbing energy, before raising her arms in the air –We're going on vacation from Roseto for a few days to see an Italian festival!–

With that news, everyone was excited. They were chatting about what it would be like to be in the town, about the festival, about how excited they were... In short, they were all very happy to go to that Italian town


The next day, everyone was at their posts for Marcella to take them to the car and go on vacation. Only that they didn't count on one thing... That Marcella's father would enter to put them in a big bag and thus put them in the trunk, a place that for them was the complete opposite of grandmother's house

–No, not the trunk!...– Ann and Andy complained in unison, remembering that the last time they were in it, they were drenched in orange juice from a bottle that had been badly closed, besides that everything in there was dark and you could barely breathe

So they were stuck inside a bag for at least 4 hours, very, very uncomfortable...

Luckily for Andy, Ann was always there to comfort him, even if she couldn't see him, so the Raggedys were holding each other the whole trip, so neither of them would get nervous and they would feel safe

And luckily for everyone, when that time passed, they were able to see the sunlight to finally breathe a little

Marcella and her parents were going to stay those days at the house of some friends, who did not have children, and Marcella stayed in the guest room. When she went to talk with her parents, the toys began to move to explore the room, which looked like Marcella's room; everyone thought it was nice

Ann and Andy climbed up to the bedroom window to get a glimpse of the town, they were anxious to see the place as they couldn't see anything with the darkness of the bag. And looking out the window...They were simply amazed

From there they could see a small park, some restaurants, a bakery, a fishmonger, a greengrocer... Typical of all towns. But what surprised them the most was a toy store, they couldn't see very well what toys were in the windows, but that electric blue and that yellow made a very beautiful combination in the eyes of the two rag dolls

They just couldn't wait to see the whole town...


Hello, Perri here!

Yes, I know it's a bit silly to make a story out of a weird 70's movie, and it's my new obsession of the month. But hey, you know how I am, so at least I hope you have a good time reading this...In the future there will be entanglements 👀

And also, I want to make it clear to you about Ann and Andy's relationship, it's going to be quite important for the future


Raggedy Ann & Andy: El festival hay que salvar! (Español + English)Where stories live. Discover now