"What do we want to bet that I somehow get involved" Eliza quipped, raising her eyebrows.

"I refuse to waste my money on you" Draco said airily which set off a whole new argument about how Eliza would accidentally cause chaos this year.

The journey to Hogwarts passed quickly after that.

When they finally pulled into hogsmeade station the storm had not eased, in fact it had only gotten worse. She hoped Hedwig made it to the owelry okay.

Stepping out from the train she and her court immediately cast an umbrella charm over their heads and hurriedly started walking towards the carriage, grimacing as the wind battered their faces. Eliza didn't even stop to pet the thestrals this year and instead clambered in hurriedly, slamming the door behind them.

The inside of Hogwarts didn't even hold the promise of safety, the second she and her court stepped through the door they had to duck out of the way of Peeves who was gleefully lobbing water balloons at anyone who had been lucky enough to escape the rain.

It wasn't exactly a traditional welcome back, but that was Hogwarts.

Before Eliza took her place at the table she made sure to talk to the rest of her Slytherin's. Gemma and Roman were gone now Eliza noted with a pang of sadness – she would try and stay in touch with them when she had chance.

Eliza slipped into her seat just in time for the sorting to begin.

"I'd hate to be that hat" Blaise muttered as it sang.

"I'm sure that hat would hate to be you" Theo responded and Eliza had to muffle a snort as Blaise dug his elbow into Theo's side.

Malcom Baddock became the first Slytherin to be sorted and her house clapped extra hard to drown out the boos from the other houses. Eliza smiled as she saw Astoria welcome Baddock into the house.

"I think your sister could take over the court when we're gone you know" she muttered to Daphne who smiled brightly.

The sorting continued with Slytherin gaining the least amount of students yet again. Eliza's year was small in comparison to the others – children born in the war but even she had more Slytherin classmates than the newest year. There were only six in comparison to their eleven.

It was disheartening really.

She wondered how many turned away from Slytherin because of their reputation.

When the feast ended Eliza could barely contain a growl as Dumbledore stood to his feet. The man had received a lot of flak from the papers after her trial but as no-one knew the extent of Eliza's mistreatment at the orphanage (and no one ever would if she had anything to do with it) the public were quick to forgive their light lord.

Eliza couldn't wait to tear him down, brick by brick.

First she would damage Hogwarts' reputation, which she had already done partly by exposing the substandard education. She would go on to reveal all Dumbledore kept hidden, she already had Rita looking for dirt on the man. There was no way someone lived to be as old as Dumbledore without making mistakes and Eliza was determined to find them.

"...I also regretfully announce that the inter-house Quidditch Cup will not take place this year"

A goblet toppled over near Eliza and she turned to see Draco looking like he was about to cry.

"They've just cancelled Quidditch" he said distraught and Daphne patted him on the back in commiseration.

"This is due to an event starting in October, I have great pleasure to announce that this year-

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