Devil child might be my least favourite moniker.

Stop getting into fights with the matron Eliza, we both know it never ends well.

Do you really have any room to talk Riddle? You murdered a rabbit.

I don't know why you fixate on the rabbit Little Star, I assure you I've done a lot worse.

Not the point.

If you say so.

I do, I do say so. Don't pretend I've not noticed you dodging the question.

Yes well in the 1930's people were a lot less lax with child welfare

Riddle doesn't say anything for a while and Eliza spends that time softly working out the kinks in her arms until finally, he responds

I was exorcized once.


I don't recommend it Riddle wrote back in a blasé tone but Eliza knew better.

I'm sorry

The diary went silent again. Riddle never seemed to know how to act around actual earnest expressions of emotion, at least when he was also expected to be truthful. It just made Eliza feel worse, at least she had found her court. Friends she knew she could rely on. She didn't think Riddle had ever had anything more than followers and sycophants. It must be a lonely existence.

I've decided on the journalist I wish to contact by the way Eliza said offering a way out of their stifling conversation.

Scheming again Little Star?

When am I not.

Eliza? Riddle wrote one day, it's almost her birthday now and the orphanage has been a bit more bearable this year since she had Riddle with her.

What do you want? Eliza asked because he only ever really called her by her real name when he wants something.

I have a plan but I thought it would perhaps be best to explain it to you face to face.

You little leech! Eliza scrawled across the page, you want to take some of my magic?

Well it's not like your using it right now Riddle writes back sullenly.

Eliza's hesitant to give up some of her magic, they can't kill each other but they sure as hell can harm each other and the thought of someone using her magic makes her feel uncomfortable. But Riddle is probably right, their conversations would be a lot easier if they could talk face to face instead of maintaining their pen pal façade.

Reluctantly Eliza slowly pooled some of her magic into her hands, delicately pressing it into the diary. Riddle's magic met hers and Eliza cringed at the uncomfortable feeling of her magic being syphoned away. Eliza had no warning, Riddle doesn't gradually fade into existence. One moment there isn't anyone in the room but Eliza and then Riddle is sat on top of her desk.

He looked the same as he did in the chamber, if not a bit paler. He's not fully seated into reality, his edges flickered oddly and he almost glitches if he moves too quickly but it's enough. A slow pleased smile spreads across his face as he flexed his fingers, almost as if he's playing arpeggios on an unseen piano.

"Much obliged Little Star" he said and Eliza almost immediately regretted her decision when she heard that smooth silky tone.

"I can't get you a soul if I don't know your plan so start talking Riddle" Eliza demanded and sat on the edge of her creaky bed to put some distance between the pair of them.

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