"Werewolf." Stiles lowers his voice but Loki still glances around to see if anyone is listening. "Did he say, 'I know you're a werewolf'?"

"No, but he implied it pretty freaking clearly." Scott grits his teeth.

"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems." Stiles runs a hand down his face quickly. "I mean, he doesn't have any proof, right? And if he wanted to tell someone, who's gonna believe him anyway?"

"How about Allison's father?" Scott gestures wildly.

"Okay, it's bad."

"No shit." Loki rolls his eyes, adjusting his backpack straps.

"I need a cure. Right now." Scott sighs, voice still frantic.

"Does he know about Allison's father?"

Scott shakes his head, "I don't know."

"Okay, where's Derek?" Stiles glances between the other two boys.

"Hiding, right?" Loki looks at Scott. "That's what we told him to do. Why?"

"I have another idea. It's gonna take a little time and finesse, though." Stiles stops Loki and Scott.

"We have that game tonight. It's quarterfinals. And it's your first game-"

"I know, I know." Stiles cuts off Scott. "Look, do you have a plan for Allison yet?"

"She's in my next class." Scott shrugs slightly.

"Get the necklace." Stiles says as he walks off, Loki following after him as they go to their shared class.


As soon as school ended, Loki and Stiles headed to Stiles' house. The pair walked into Stiles' bedroom, throwing their backpacks down as they went to the shorter boy's computer. Stiles sat down, Loki standing over his shoulder.

"Hey, Stiles!" Loki hears Noah yell out and glances towards the door, practically jumping out of his skin when he sees Derek standing basically behind Stiles' door.

"Yo D... Derek?" Stiles' eyes go wide as he turns around, spotting Derek as well.

Derek's eyes go wide as well as he puts a finger to his lips to try to get the two boys to be quiet. He gestures out the door, trying to get Stiles to deal with his dad.

The shorter boy runs to the door, leaning out to talk to his dad but pulling the door shut so he couldn't see in.

Loki walks over, pulling Derek slightly away from the door, "What the hell are you thinking? Of all places you choose Stiles' house?" He says through gritted teeth.

"I-" Derk goes to answer but is interrupted when Stiles comes back into the room, slamming the door shut.

The werewolf quickly steps to Stiles, grabbing the collar of his jacket and slamming him into the door. "If you say one word..." He points a finger in the boy's face in warning.

"Oh what, you mean, like, 'Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun.'?" Stiles retorts, glancing past Derek at Loki. Derek keeps quiet. "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy." Stiles punctuates his sentence by hitting Derek's shoulder.

The werewolf glances down at where Stiles hit him, looking back at the human boy for a second before nodding slightly. He lets go of his grip on Stiles' collar, straightening out his jacket slightly.

Loki has a small smile on his face, finding an insane amount of comedy in the interaction.

Stiles repeats Derek's action, straightening out the werewolves leather jacket. He lets out a small breath as he starts to walk past Derek.

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