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Once in bed, I tossed and turned replaying the scene at the restaurant. I nearly exploded from diarrhea on the spot at the sight of Officer Judd in his crisp navy blue uniform. Was this going to be my life from now on? Jumping every time a cop walked in my direction? Ruining straps of expensive handbags because my palms were always sweating with worry? Luckily, Pamela was completely wrapped up in her new boyfriend, so she didn't notice my weird behavior and how I couldn't choke down a bite of food.

After midnight, I gave up on sleep and went to find a snack since my stomach was rumbling from hunger. I hoped Marisela had left some of her famous tamales in the refrigerator. She had been making homemade tamales all afternoon and I couldn't wait to have one, even if they were loaded with carbs and dairy.

I grinned when I discovered that Marisela had made up a plate in anticipation of my midnight snacking. I found a piece of paper and scribbled a note for Marisela to find in the morning:


Delish as always...


I sat at the kitchen table with only the tamales and the moonlight streaming in from the window for company. Maybe I should send Jason a quick text. Even though it was well after 3 AM in Chicago, I figured he'd get the text when he woke up in the morning. I decided simply on a series of xoxo's and a heart emoji, then I hit send. Smiling to myself, I imagined Jason receiving the text first thing in the morning.

I finished my snack, cleaned my plate then headed back to my room. Halfway there, my phone vibrated with an income text, stopping me in my tracks.

XOXO right back at ya baby.

What was he doing awake at this hour? I stared down at the phone in my hands, but something other than Jason's text caught my eye.

"LILY! LILY WAKE UP!" I didn't move from where I stood until a sleepy-eyed Lily emerged from her bedroom a minute later, her blonde hair tousled and face creased.

"Where's the fire? Sheesh, Gemma, it's the middle of the night." Lily rubbed her eyes and looked down. "What the -"

Under our bare feet was the Persian rug we had buried Taylor's body. The Persian rug that had somehow made its way back into the pool house at the Madison-Vaughn estate and now it was here, in the beach house.

"There's a note." Lily bent down to pull at a piece of paper that stuck out from under the rug.

See how close I can get? Don't underestimate me. I'm everywhere and I'm not bluffing.  Are you?

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