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Marisela cleaned up after brunch and Shayla and Edwin took Alexis for a walk on the beach while Gemma and I relaxed on chaise lounges. Next door, loud music poured out of Sebastian Paris's house.

"When do you think we can go over and introduce ourselves?" I asked, up on my elbows, squinting into the distance. "I'm dying to meet him. He's so cute! He's got that bad boy vibe and I kind of like it. Although he's too old for me," I paused. "Just right for Shayla, though."

Gemma, busy turning the pages of the Vogue magazine, barely glanced up. "I am so not interested in him. I would do nothing to threaten my relationship with Jason."

"Oh, God!" I moaned. Gemma was completely lovesick with Jason Shapiro, and it made me nauseous to hear my best friend constantly lament over him. "He's gone, busy with law school stuff! You know what they say, out of sight, out of mind! Focus on the cute guys next door."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," Gemma smirked.

Edwin interrupted us, running up the patio stairs like something was on fire.

"OMGQ, red alert! You guys, Alexis ran off!" he bent at the waist and tried to catch his breath. "I let her off her leash for a trot and she just took off! I can't find her anywhere!" 

A tear rolled down his cheek as he straightened up and removed his sunglasses. His eyes were frantic with worry, darting left and right. He rubbed his nose with a knuckle.

"For Pete's sake Winny!" I stood up, scanning the horizon for the oversized white dog. "She couldn't have gone too far. Who would want a high maintenance French Poodle with red nails and an attitude?"

"Lily, you can be so cruel!" Edwin cried, hands to his eyes.

"Hey, where's Shayla?" Gemma asked, joining us on the edge of the patio. If only I had binoculars to see further. I squinted into the distance and called for Alexis.

Gemma's phone buzzed sending a nervous shock down my spine. I watched as she discreetly checked the messages then her face bloomed into a smile. Obviously it was Jason. She stepped towards me and held up the screen so I could read it.


Miss you too, sooooo much!XOXO

I rolled my eyes then grabbed my own phone, checking for messages.


Feeling confident that our few scary days of weirdo's calling and texting were over, I tossed my phone back on the chair and winked at Gemma whose fingers were flying over her iphone, texting Jason.

It was time to leave all that ridiculous drama behind in Bel-Air. Although the Persian rug...I pushed the thought from my mind.

"Wait, what is that...don't tell me..." I blinked my eyes quickly to focus on Sebastian's house. Gemma followed my gaze and Winny turned his head.

"Alexis?" Edwin cried, hands to his chest. "Baby?"

"No, it's Shayla! What is she doing over there?"

Several yards away, Shayla reclined on a beach blanket, surrounded by Sebastian and his group of friends. I sniffed the air. Cigarette smoke!

Hopefully Shayla wasn't smoking; we all agreed it was a disgusting habit that caused premature wrinkles and yellowed nails. Gemma and I promised we would never partake in such a gross activity.

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