Chapter 2

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After an emotional afternoon I'm finally where I want to be for this emotion, at a constant. I can't be distracted by my emotions, now is not the time or the place.

"Ready?" Professor Desmond asks me. We talked after this afternoon and she apologized because she realized her behavior had made me uncomfortable.

"And remember to play with emotions. You are amazing and concise on the piano but you need to add emotions."

"Yeah, adding emotions."

"I am being serious, you're going to play a beautiful piece out there and without emotions it's going to sound ugly and like it's missing something."

I don't answer, I'm going to play how I want and if people don't like it they can suck it and real bad.

"And up next making her debut on the piano is Lillia Saint-Flour," the host says. Can't let his pronunciation get to me. I am debuting today, with my own piece.

I walk on stage and it's dead silent. My piano is in the middle of the stage with a white light on it. I take my seat on the bench. I lift the cover and breathe. I have done this before and I can do it again. I put my fingers on the keys and they immediately start playing, like they were born to do this. I continue to play and it's still dead quiet. Good people are being respectful of my craft.

The spotlight feels too bright and it feels high but I continue to play, it's all I can do. I'm getting to the climax and I can feel myself getting nervous but I know I did it flawlessly before and I'll do it flawlessly again. I breathe and continue to play on and I did that part flawlessly. It's the end and I can feel myself relax. I play the last note and the audience claps. I cover the keys and stand up and bow. You must bow after every debut at least three times, for some reason it's a tradition at this school. I finish my bows and go backstage. I see Professor Desmond and she doesn't look too pleased.

"Good job," she then turns her back and walks away. I didn't listen to her and it's not my fault I just can't do what she is asking. I follow the path she took until I hear voices having a conversation.

"What did you think of the performance?" a voice says.

"It was okay, but something was missing. It felt a bit empty," a voice that sounds like Romy says.

"Yeah I got bored."

"Me too for a bit."

I turn the corner where I hear the voices and yeah Romy and a friend.

"Right it's not like I worked day and night to perfect this piece. Maybe it wasn't made for your uncultured ears." I storm off trying to understand what just happened.

"Lillia, wait!"

I don't stop to look behind. I don't know why I even entertained their discussion. They weren't the one playing plus it doesn't matter what they think. It only matters what I think and I think I did a hell of a job. What does he know? He's just a dancer, what does he know about music? Moving to it? Anyone can do that. Like anyone, even a toddler, he's not special. I am special, not everyone can compose a melodious masterpiece with one of the most difficult notes to play.

"Hi Lillia, signing in?" After going through like fifteen different emotions I'm going to a long care facility. When you reach sophomore year at my university you need to learn that your art is for the community so you share your art with the community. I have been here so many times the receptionist knows my name.

I smile at her, "Yeah, just trying to catch up in my hours."

"Oh hi, Romy. How are you feeling tonight?" Hi who? Nuh uh. There must be someone else named Romy.

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