Chapter 6

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Y/n was sitting in a quiet corner of a bar where they have been working in for extra cash. The only sound coming from them were, the scribbling noise of their pencil against the pages

It has been exactly 10 months 3 weeks and 3 days of them being on the island living with DanDan and the boys.

They have been writing in the journal documenting everything that has happened since they were transported into this place......

The past few months

Y/n's journal

Month 10 of living here<3

It is currently the first day of a new month and also The day I'm going to be commemorating me surviving a whole 9 months on this honestly dumpster fire island, I can't complain much though there are many nice people here that have welcomed me with open arms. then again there is so much violence here I can't imagine it be a fit for the boys to live in. although as much as I want to take them with me to find a new place, I can't. I fear it may alter the timeline and possibly collapse the universe well...this universe at least.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Anyways enough about that today I decide I am going to explore the whole island and begin my training. I mean I can't expect myself to potentially go on adventures in the future if I'm going to be weak like this forever can I? Well I'm going to wish myself luck on this and hope I don't die. :)

After they finished writing in their journal they closed it up and put it in their bag that hung loosely over their shoulder and across their body.

They gave a quick whistle as they stand up. Upon hearing the whistle noise their cat quickly got up stretched and walked alongside them as they walked out the door.

They tried their best to be quiet as they tip told out as it was the afternoon which meant DanDan and the bandit basically the whole house was napping.

They Creek the door open slowly before rushing out and closing it gently.

"Phew, alright let's get going" they Mumble to themselves as they walk towards the forest that I had became a little bit familiar to them now as they sometime take little walks and quick naps in it.

They quietly hummed a song that was stuck in there had I stay walked casually through the forest exploring sometimes stopping to pick up herbs or flowers that grew along the forest that they might needed.

After an hour of walking this stop to sit under a tree and take a look at their mouth to see where else they should go.

"Alrighty, so Kitty according to our map I already explored this portion of the forest I'm thinking we can go right here since the boys said there was a lake near here" they spoke pointing at the map as the cat peach over looking at their fingers in curiosity.

"Hmm, or maybe we can go here..?" They squint their eyes as their brows furrowed in concentration as they look over the map to see where the next destination should be.

"We have to hurry and find a new spot we can quickly explore before nightfall, DanDan would probably be very pissed at us if we weren't there to help her during chaos dinner time" they chuckles.

"Oh! What about here?" They suggested pointing at the spot on the map.

"Meow" the cat cried out almost in a bored way.

They rolled their eyes looking at the cat with a sigh.

"Well I can't read your mind, Kitty" they huff in slight annoyance but pets the cat's head anyways.

With a bored sigh, they stood up before stretching then looked down at the cat.

"You know what maybe we can just keep walking until we find something interesting, how does that sound hm?" They hummed, waiting for a response.

"Meow" the cat almost chirped, rubbing it's face against their leg affectionately.

They chuckle bending down to pet the cat before standing back up and begin walking towards a direction in the dense forest.

"Alright, guess that's the plan" they smiled cheerfully, slightly skipping a bit as they walked through the forest with a soft hum.


They muttered to themselves as, they did push ups on the grass covered ground. They have been doing these exercises for around 2 hours now as, a form of training.

The sun had already set by now and they decided to just stay out and spend the night in the forest.

'I'll get yelled at by DanDan later training comes first' they thought to themselves.

"198...199..andddd 200!" They smiled excitedly, a bead of sweat dropping down their forehead as they jumped back up.

"Phew, I don't know why but since being here I feel like my stigma has really build up by like 50%!" They smiled cheerfully.

"I mean look at these babies" they proudly lifted their tank top a bit to show a bit of abs that they had gained from the past few months of hard exercisng.

"Eh, what'd you think Kitty?" They chuckle.

"Meow" the cat responded with a bored meow.

"Oh, boo you too" they rolled their eyes, smiling at the playful banter between their companion.

"Hm, I wonder what else changed about us since we got here? Maybe it's the air of this universe or probably anime logic?" They shrugged.

Unbeknownst to them there was a creature stalking behind the tall trees and bushes using the dense and dark Forest as a hiding place as a circle around them ready to pounce unbeknownst to them.


Y/n instantly snap their head to the sound of what they assume was a broken twig.

Someone or something was stalking them in the shadows of forest.

Quickly grabbing their bag, they reached inside and gripped a pocket knife that was inside on full alert as alarm bells wrong inside their head warning them of something.

A low growl was admitted from behind the darkest. They instantly turned to the direction of the noise before they were met with a large Tiger like beast that jumped out from behind the bushes, it began sprinting towards them.

Out of either shock or fear they frozen up instantly, unable to move.

"...crap!" They cursed to themselves at the prediciment. Shutting their eyes tightly ready to embrace the pain, as the beast was approaching faster almost a foot from them.


Nothing was happening. They hesitantly opened their eyes to see the ones fearful beast that had their life in its claw just a few moments ago, now laying lifeless torn to shred.

It's head hung loosely to it's head  as blood splattered all over the once green grass.

Everything seemed still as if time froze for everything besides them. The moonlight shined across the corpse of the anime showing another huge beast standing over the corpse. The beast resemble another huge cat like creature with rugged and messy fur covered in blood that was not its and calico like spots.

They were speechless as they stare face to face into the creatures large and sharp eyes, they paused noticing something shine around the beast neck...a familiar coller with a bell.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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