Chapter 4

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scaring childrens for fun


I walked into the hut but as soon as the door closed DanDan suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned to face me.

"Now little girl, if you're going to stay here you're going to follow my rules. I want the whole house cleaned, the laundry done and you're gonna learn and help me cook everymeal, every day got it?" She spoke in a stern voice, before pointing to kitty in my arms.

"And that cat better not cause any troubles." She grumbled.

" cleaned, laundry done, help cook and not cause any trouble, got it" I nodded.

She paused looking me up and down with a raised brow before scoffing and turning around to walk off. " better...." I heard her grumbled under her breath.

"Your room is the one at the end of the hall, you're sharing it with the other two little gremlins" she said finally, before walking in her own room and closing the door shut with a bang. I heard the sounds of her locking the door from inside her room too.

"" I shrugged walking away to find my new room.

A few moments later I found the room rather quickly considering the hut wasn't that big.

I saw two un made futons on the floor that was really far away from each other leaving only space in the middle. I unfolded the spared futon I saw folded on top of the big wooden closet, and sat down on my neatly made futon.

"I guess I should finally check my bag now, huh Kitty?" I smiled looking down at Kitty, who was already making biscuits on the blanket of the futon.

"Let's see..." I muttered to myself, opening up the bag.

"Oh wow, there's more stuff in here then I expected" I smiled looking at everything, some stuff were mine and Kitty's but other seemed to have appeared in my bag

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"Oh wow, there's more stuff in here then I expected" I smiled looking at everything, some stuff were mine and Kitty's but other seemed to have appeared in my bag.

As I rummaged through the bag, happily with Kitty playing with the little blue cat toy next to me, I was suddenly interrupted by a voice of a small child.

"HEY! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" The voice sounded like it tried to be threatening but failed since it was obviously a child's voice.

My head snapped to glare at the voice to see a small boy with slightly long black hair and freckles spewed across his face. The glared I gave him was slightly scary making the child freeze up in slight fear.

"Has no one taught you it's rude to curse at someone older then you?" I said in a stern voice, getting up and crossing my arms in front of him to intimate him (just for fun y'know).

" I- uh, am..." he tensed up staring up at me in fear before straightening himself up to seem brave although he was slightly trembling.

"I-i I'M NOT SCARE O-OF YOU!" he mustered out in a loud voice.

I tried my hardest not to let out a snicker, as I approach the kid bending down in front of him.

" should be." The look and tone of my voice was enough to make him take off running away cursing at me saying how "this wasn't over yet" and "I'm just sparing you!".

Once I heard him run away far enough, I dropped down on the floor in a fetal position holding my stomach as I let out a series of uncontrollable laughters slightly tearing up.

"BAHAHA OH MY GOD" I weezed clutching my stomach, as I reimagine how scared shitless his face was.

I stopped my laugher a bit as I wiped the tears in the corner of my eyes.

"Oh man, I am so going to hell" I muttered before snickering again.


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