Chapter 6

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Zee's pov

Leaving the airport with the love of my life was both exciting and nerve- racking at the same time. Nhu held on to my arm with both hands as if making sure that I won't run anywhere. He looked kind of cute with those puffy eyes . We got in Nhu's car and I drove ofcourse.
" how much did my baby cry, you eyes are puffy"
" I cried from my birthday till today, I just could think about anything except that you were living and I might not be able to see you again'
" I'm sorry my baby, I'll never leave you okay"
" I haven't even gone to my therapist for my weekly check-in yet, I don't want her to see me in tears she was going to tell my parents I needed more therapy time and then they'd get worried"
" baby, why do you need to go to therapy once a week"
" I don't really like talking about it Zee"
" it's okay baby, you'll tell me when you're ready okay"
" thanks Zee"

Nunew's pov

We arrived at this huge mansion, bigger than my parents house actually
"Zee ,is this your house"
" Yes baby, do you like it"
" it's too big but I like it"
" okay, let's go in my love. We have a lot to talk about"

They got inside and Zee decided that they should watch a movie before they started talking about the complicated stuff

As they were cuddling watching a movie Nhu spoke
"Zee ,do you think my parents will accept our relationship "
" I don't know Nhu baby, are you scared"
" I am scared Zee but I love you so much . I don't think I can live without you"
"I think we should tell them before that found out from anyone else. We should find the right time and tell them."
" Zee what if dad doesn't accept us . Will you leave me"
" Baby, I will never leave you or ask you to leave your family family me. We will find a way out of this okay"
" now let's cuddle and finish this movie baby. I love you"
" so does that mean now your now my boyfriend or maybe sugar daddy since you're this rich"
Zee just chuckled and said
"I'll be whatever you want me to be my love"
" I'll call my mom and tell her I'll be sleeping at a friend's place tonight I don't wanna leave your arms, is that okay??"
" more than okay my love"
" do you have university tomorrow, I'll drop you there"
" yah I do, but you can't drop me there. You are a big name and people will be following you everywhere and we don't want my parents finding out about our secret relationship fo we now"
" I can't wait for this relationship not to be secret anymore" Zee groaned 
" me too love" Nhu said kissing Zee

The next day

Zee woke up at 0630hrs and saw his Nhu laying so peacefully in his arms and just smiled while watching his baby sleep. He then reached he's phone that was on the side table trying his best not to wake up Nhu. Once he had his phone he started taking pictures of his love. He look selfies and even pictures of just Nhu sleeping peacefully

Zee woke up Nhu at 7am ,since he had to be in school at 0830hrs.
"Nhu baby, wake up" he said softly and Nhu just got even more comfortable in Zee arms
" baby please wake up"
" 5 more minutes Zee please"
" okay love" he said kissing him on the forehead

10 minutes later
". Baby, wake up, you said 5 minutes and 10 minutes have passed already" Zee said sweetly
"Zee 1 more minute please, your arms are so comfortable"
" flattery won't work baby, wake up"
"Zee I'm serious ,yours arms are really so comfortable"
" but you have school"
" I can call in sick " he said with a naughty smile
" no you can't Nhu,now get up and get ready"
" no Zee, I'm the smartest guy there anyways and I catch on really quick. I'll get notes from my friend about the lecture. Can I stay Zee , I want to spend the entire day with you" Nhu pouted
"Pouting won't work Nhu, you are going to school . Now go get ready and I'll make you breakfast"
"Okay fine"
" that's my good boy"

After breakfast

"You sure you don't want me to drive you Nhu"
" no Zee ,I'll be fine on my own"
"Okay love, give me a kiss goodbye"
Nhu leaned in a peaked Zee's lips
"Baby, that's not a kiss, I want more"
Nhu blushed then went in for a long passionate kiss
" Can I go now daddy"
"Yes you can"

Nunew pov
When I arrived in varsity I saw Nat waiting for me with a mischievous smile.
"So where were you last night" said Nat
"What do you mean"
" what I mean is your parents called to check if you were actually with me"
".  Oh that, sorry I didn't give you the heads up. I was actually with Zee last night"
" wait I though Zee was going back to the States"
" well ,he was until I stopped him"
With that Nat was now screaming
"Tell me everything "
Nhu narrated all that had happened the day before
"So did you lose your V-card yet"
"Natttt, ofcourse not "
"I was just asking "

Later that day

When Nunew got in to the house, he found his mother waiting for him
"New, how're you "
" I'm fine mom and you"
" all good baby, how was your day"
"It was fine and yours '
" just fine my baby"
" Nunew baby, your therapist said you missed you weekly check-in this week, why is that"
" mom, it's not a big deal, I just forgot about it with my birthday and all. This week has been pretty hectic and why should I keep going to her. I'm fine now mom I promise"
" Nunew ,you will be going to your weekly check-ins till your therapist says otherwise ,am I making myself clear"
" yes mom, I'll go to my room now"


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