2. An unlocked door, a dead mouse, and a chef

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The scream Noah had let out at five in the morning was completely and utterly embarrassing, to say the least.

He had awoken to a certain ginger, staring down at him, he didn't register that it was well.. Izzy.. so fight or flight mode kicked in, he chose fight, he had pushed Izzy away with quite some force, causing her to fall to the floor.

"Wow! I didn't know you had that in you!" Izzy complimented, sort of, it was a compliment in her own way, the Izzy way.

"—HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" Noah yelled, calming down his breathing from his near heart attack, that scared the living shit out of him..

"You guys left the front door open!" Izzy proclaimed. They what? Noah swore he had locked it, he was now regretting not checking twice.



Noah just stared at the ginger, taking a moment to compose himself, Owen was still sleeping soundly beside him, he knew the other was a heavy sleeper, but geez, his screams probably woke the whole damn street up, he had know idea how Owen DIDN'T wake up.

"Oh come on Noah! We just wanted to make sure you guys hadn't been murdered or something!" "We?" Oh right, Eva was probably here to.

As if on cue, Eva popped her head into into the room from the doorway. "Are they dead?" She would ask, though her tone made it seem as if she couldn't give two shits if they were dead or not..

"No I'm not dead. We're not dead."

"What a shame." Iron woman rolled her eyes slightly, making her way into the bedroom.

Noah just stared, he stared at them for a moment, this is not what he needed right now, those two were not want he needed right now. He smacked his head into his hands aggressively, rubbing his face in a tired manor that only made Izzy and Eva stare at him harder.

"I've never seen so many wrinkles on a man."


"Here's the pile of shit we'll be calling our income." Noah began as he unlocked the bakery's doors. They were all out the front, himself, Owen, Izzy and Eva, all standing outside of the newly purchased bakery, Noah didn't want to be back here, not at 7:00 am in the damn morning, but he really had no choice, he was up against Izzy and Eva, and who do we think would win that battle?

"Pile of tasty goods that we'll make a great income out of! He means.."

"No. I don't mean. And we haven't even made any "tasty goods" yet, don't get ahead of yourself." The shortest (unlucky so..) said as he walked inside, leaving the other three outside in cold.

"..You sure you still wanna be married to that guy?" "One hundred thousand, million percent!" Owen answered confidently, striding his way into the cramped building as well.

"Ooh that was such a fun wedding! I remember swinging from the roof— then I got caught in all the decorations—" "I know, I remember, we all remember."



They were now all inside, piled into the front area. Izzy had her face practically shoved into the counter top, while Eva had her hands on her hips, standing near the doorway, just looking around.

"Oh, so I guess your face is just piles of dirt and dust?" Noah questioned, his sarcastic quips and remarks were still around, they were here to stay.

The comment had Eva shooting a glare at Noah. As bad as it sounds, he forgot those two nut jobs were married some times, it didn't come as a shock when the two got married, christ, he was quite literally Eva's best man, but to think about them being married? Strange as hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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