Chapter 10

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I felt myself slowly waking up and yawned as I stretched my arms. I hoped I wasn’t late. My mom would kill me! I must have looked as worried as I felt because Mary looked at me and almost laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s only 7:20.” She said handing me my phone back. I smiled back at her. “Thanks.” I looked up at the sky. It felt nice to look up at the stars in the sky while they were at their brightest. Back home sometimes I would sneak out of the house and go onto the porch to look at the stars.

That’s something I haven’t told anyone. Not even Danny. I don’t think I could tell anyone about that. But I don’t know why. I don’t study constellations or anything. I just look at them and don’t feel like I’m some weird kid that reads too much. Like I might belong someplace for once, or that there might be people out in the world who would like me. But I’ve realized that I’m just... What’s the word? Abnormal? Yeah, that’s what I am. Abnormal.

Mary broke me out of my thoughts as she said in her husky voice, “They’re beautiful right?” Mary said, looking towards me. “They’re something aren’t they?” I didn’t have to ask what she was talking about. I looked up at the stars again. “Yeah.” That was all I could say. “Why do you like them?” I asked out of the blue. Maybe she liked them for the same reason I did. She looked at me in confusion and spoke with a small layer of defensiveness. “I don’t know… Why do you?” As if she was hiding what she felt. ”I don’t know…” Well, this is getting awkward. “That’s why I asked you,” I said, forcing myself to laugh. She smiled,” I guess we’re pretty strange huh?” “Yeah, but I guess everyone else is too. See you tomorrow.” I started walking back home and managed to feel a little less weird. At least for tonight.

Janice Lance Book 1: Monday Blues (Revised Edition)Where stories live. Discover now