Chapter 6

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I went to my Social Studies class with my right hand throbbing in pain. Ms. Dot is always making us write long essays that she says we'll remember even when we're old. She acts dramatic, but the amount of writing she assigns is no joke.

As I walked through the hall, some guy in a fight got pushed into me, and I slammed into a locker. It hurt so bad I thought I would pass out. The guy who pushed him looked at me and said, "Watch it!" I was so mad I wanted to punch him, but I knew better than to start a fight. Luckily, the guy he was fighting took care of it for me.

I finally made it to Ms. Lawson's class and sat down. Andrew, one of my classmates, came in and sat next to me. He was really quiet, which was unusual because sometimes he talked non-stop. He only talks a lot around me, though. His other friends are pretty rough around the edges and don't seem all that smart.

Andrew is different, though. He's smart and gets good grades. He's not the type to get into fights at school and get suspended like his other friends. I know there's more to him than what other people think. Andrew Lawrence may be many things, but he's definitely not a hood.

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