
1.9K 101 3

Author's pov

Taehyung looked around the apartment while holding Jungkook's shoulder. It's just the same as he wished for. Safe and nice neighbours , a nice kitchen , a jazz era themed living room , fluffy couch , a huge tv for movie nights

"You liked it?" Jungkook asked softly. His one hand holding Jaehyun's little hands while the other one holding taehyung's

"Hmm" nodding his head taehyung hummed as he looked around the apartment with wide eyes

"I am glad to know that" jungkook said keeping his chin on taehyung's head

"What about your clothes and everything?" Taehyung asked looking at jungkook after helping him sit down on the couch

"I will tell jimin and hobi hyung to get those from my mansion" jungkook answered and looked at jaehyun

"Sunshine. Do you like the apartment?" Jungkook asked , softly caressing Jaehyun's baby soft cheeks with his finger. Jaehyun nodded his head and walked up to the huge glass window which gave a good view of outside , which caught his attention

"Ok. We will leave when jimin and hobi hyung arrives" taehyung said looking at jaehyun who is looking at the beautiful view from the glass window

Jungkook held taehyung's hand which caused taehyung to look at him. Jungkook asked taehyung to stay with him in which taehyung just sighed. Pulling taehyung in his embrace causing him to squeak jungkook looked at taehyung with pleading eyes

"Please. Don't leave me. Again."Jungkook said, mumbling the last part to himself but Taehyung heard it due to their close proximity. That 'again' caused taehyung to get reminded of bogum's words

"Are you really dependent on me?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jungkook in his eyes. Jungkook just sighed and looked down

"You also think that it's weird right?" Jungkook mumbled but taehyung heard it

"Weird? That's not weird jungkook" Taehyung said, making Jungkook look up at him. Jungkook again sighed before their attention went to their little toddler who called them excitedly while pointing at the glass window

"Lwook birdie" jaehyun exclaimed excitedly while thumping his little feets as he looked out seeing a flock of birds flying in a V

"Hmm. What else did you find sunshine?" Jungkook asked as he made taehyung sit beside him

"Trees , birdies , howse an howse an trees" Jaehyun counted causing his parents to chuckle at their cute toddler

"Hmm what else did you find?" Taehyung asked lovingly

"Cowoods" the parents chuckled at their kid's pronunciations. Their heart bursting with adoration for their little toddler

"Sunshine. Come here" jungkook called jaehyun who quickly waddled up to his papa

"Did you buy your birthday dress?" Jungkook asked caressing Jaehyun's hair

"Mumma dless?" Jaehyun looked at his mother when he remembered that they didn't went for shopping

"My boss didn't pay me for two years. What should I do?" Taehyung said, shrugging his shoulders. Jungkook looked at taehyung with squinted eyes who again shrugged his shoulder

"Ok. We will go shopping-

"You can't walk or stand for too long. How will you go shopping?" Taehyung asked looking at jungkook who sighed

"Then let's do online shopping" jungkook replied and got a humm from taehyung

"I will go and get our clothes and Jae's toys. He can't sit still without doing anything for too long" Taehyung said standing up from the couch

"Do you have to leave? Won't bogum-shi drop them if you ask him. It's weekend though. He might be free" jungkook quickly said looking at taehyung who squinted his eyes at him

"You are getting attached too easily" taehyung said looking at jungkook with blank eyes

"But you are also not denying my touches and my moves." Jungkook said in a typical pout. Taehyung got his phone out of his jeans pocket and walked away to call someone

"Sorry sunshine but we don't have anything here for you to play with. Papa will make a call and you can play in papa's phone"Jungkook said picking jaehyun and settled him on his lap

"Otay." Jaehyun said, nodding his head. Jungkook then called jimin to request him to drop his clothes and things in the location he would be sending and same goes with taehyung who asked bogum to do the same

Within 4-5 hours everything got settled and the apartment looked so lively. Jimin and hoseok twisted jungkook's both ears and warned him to not fuck up again while bogum assured taehyung that he should give a particular bunny tooth guy another chance



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