Chapter Three

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"Doctor, what does it mean?"

"It means we go on a treasure hunt, I love treasure hunts!", he swung around to grab the note.

"A treasure hunt?" Sarah balked, "for what?"

"Well, the truth of who Elle really is, for starters, Sarah Jane." He lifted a lever at the console, and the wheezing noise started up again.

"What, truth about me?" I asked, clearly puzzeled.

"You know things that you shouldn't know, you can do things that no human can do." He looked up from the console as the TARDIS materialized.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked with raised brows.

"Let's find out." He crossed to the door and stopped towards us, "This is a planet 10 million light years away from your own."

"Light years? How far is that?" Sarah asked.

"Well, light travels 300,000 kilometers in one second, meaning it travels about 10 trillion kilometers in a year, and multiply that by 10 million-1e+23" I answered.

The Doctor slyly leaned over to Sarah, "This is why we are on a treasure hunt."

"Approximately, the number of planets The Doctor has corrupted." I said slyly and edged around him out the door.

"No.. Don't wonder off.." He stressed, "We have to find our next clue."

"Yes, and when you do, my mother will be waiting for you with a gold sticker." I shot a smirk to him.

"Ooh, do they have gold stickers in the sixties?" He led us into a beautiful garden.

Sarah and I walked through, taking in the beauty, as The Doctor led, calculating the riddle, until he stopped abruptly with his arms out exclaiming "Here! This is the spot!"

We all came around to see the edge of a plaque nearly grown over by green grass. The Doctor pointed out that the plaque was dead in the center of a triangle, that of which lines were formed by the three plants described in the riddle.

" Some lavender, a pot of Paliurus Spinachristi and a patch of wild irises!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Yeah, flowers but this doesnt look like an alien planet, it looks like ancient Greece." I interjected.

"And you would know how ancient Greece looked, how?" He teased.

"Well, I've seen photographs!" I was getting agitated with him questioning me so i decided to change topic, "Alright, then. Suggest we assign roles. I supervise while you two dig." I said bluntly.

"Oh! We dig?" Sarah stuttered.

"No, how about we all dig." The Doctor intervened.

"Okay, I will go find shovels." I offered.

"Shovels?" He asked.

"Yes, this is a garden." I said, "There is bound to be at least one shovel here."

"And what landskeeper told you that?" He asked.

"His name was Roy." I turned to leave when I muttered, "He loved a good shovel."

Roy was actually a criminal who cleaned up after himself .

I found a tool shed and broke my way in, silently.

I everything one needed to keep garden like this running. And back in a corner, underneath a pile of tools, I spotted two shovel ends. I pulled them out and set them aside while I looked for another. I'll be damned if he isn't digging. Moments later I found one and headed out on my way with the three. I decided to take a long way back, because, even though I lived in a lot of beautiful places, I had never seen any place as beautiful as this place. I lingered around the rose bushes and I noticed a woman in and old styled dress with dark hair doing the same.

A Place In TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang