"I'm taking you to The World of the Living to celebrate Halloween! By decree of the Soul King might I add."

"What!?" Soi Fon yelled. "T-T-The Soul King?"

Yoruichi nodded her head happily with a toothy grin. "Yep. Not long after some captains left, Squad Zero came down and said so."


After Soi Fon had left the meeting, Squad Zero had come down in there little elevator thing. They themselves were dressed in Halloween costumes...with the exception of Ichibei, who was dressed as Santa for some reason. Maybe he didn't get the memo.

Oetsu was dressed as a zombie Michael Jackson (who knew they had music up in the Soul Palaces), Tenjiro was dressed up as a Roman general, Kirio, was dressed as a sexy witch in her slimmer form, and finally, Senjumaru was...not much changed actually. She replaced her golden arms with skeleton ones, and her face was painted like a calavera with a flower crown.

 She replaced her golden arms with skeleton ones, and her face was painted like a calavera with a flower crown

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[I'm not gonna lie. This chapter is literally just an excuse to use this image. Sejumaru is mommy]

Ichibei had a wide smile on his face as he addressed the Soul Reapers present.

"By decree of the Soul King, the Thirteen Court Guard Squads along with Squad Zero is to participate in this month's holiday!"

Just as quickly as they arrived, they left.

Flashback over

Soi Fon's world now crumbled. This was stupid. This holiday was stupid. But now, the Soul King has declared that they must celebrate. Oh the horror!

Yoruichi just laughed at Soi Fon's miserable state, patting her on the back.

"Oh its nothing Soi Fon, really. We're just going to hang out at some parties and get wasted, maybe tease some guys, who knows~? But the point is...we're going to have fun."

Soi Fon sighed in discontent. She didn't have a say in the matter at hand, so she was gonna have to put up with it.


Yoruichi laughed boisterously.

"Thats the spirit! Now...put this on!"

She throws a piece of clothing at Soi Fon.

Back in The World of the Living, Kumo and Orihime had convinced everyone to participate with them. Kumo himself was dressed as mummy. Orihime was dressed as a zombie bride, Ichigo was dressed as Frankenstein, Uryu a vampire, and Chad as a zombie.

Flying into the Spider's Web [OC x Soi-Fon]Where stories live. Discover now